The shareholders of Eagles Holdings Limited are two individuals who includes the current Commander Maliti Solochi- Dickson Jere

Eagles Holdings Limited
By Dickson Jere

Here is the problem I have. I just did a quick search at PACRA because of curious of how this super structure was created.
The shareholders of Eagles Holdings Limited are two individuals who includes the current Commander Maliti Solochi.

Why didn’t they put the Minister of Finance who by law holds shares in trust of Zambians pursuant to The Minister of Finance (Incorporation) Act, Chapter 439 of the Laws of Zambia. That is why IDC is owned by Minister of Finance…

Remember the story of MOFED under President Chiluba and how it turned out? We must always avoid incorporating State companies with shareholders who are office bearers…

6 thoughts on “The shareholders of Eagles Holdings Limited are two individuals who includes the current Commander Maliti Solochi- Dickson Jere

    1. No one is getting jailed. How many pf thieves are still on the streets? How many have been jailed?

  1. So if solochi or the other guy is fired what happens? What if he refused to hand over his shares to the incoming commandant? This is how we create problems.

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