The simple question PF needs to answer is, where did the billions you borrowed go???- Laura Miti


Laura Miti writes…

A sure way to know if someone who has wronged you would repeat their act, given half the chance, is the extent of their remorse.

Remorse is that internal regret for something we have done or said, the uncomfortable feeling of – I so wish I hadn’t- that is the first step to ensuring we are less likely to do a harm again.

It is by seeing and hearing the absence of even a minimum level of remorse or apology for the theft and abuse of public resources, that happened under them, that one knows that PF leaders would steal just as badly, if ever given responsibility for shared resources.

By this, I mean not only in government positions. I can only hope that none of the people screaming their defence of PF theft will ever, again, hold public office. Beyond public office, my view is that the arrogance with which individuals, who should be hiding their heads in shame, justify the billions that disappeared into private pockets under them, suggests they should never be allowed anywhere near money that is not theirs – not even as Chitenete Treasurer.

The simple question PF needs to answer is, where did the billions you borrowed go???

If you can’t sonta for us, could you, at least, pretend to be sorry you stole and put us in the current high grade pain of paying back money we did not see. For taking the nation decades back in its ability to deliver services for citizens.


  1. Laura is such a sensible woman
    .true there is no remorse being shown by the past regime rather they are showing defiance
    Where are the billions of dollars borrowed gone to ?

  2. Can I buy you a new pair of specs or I tell Nakachinda to lend you his binoculars so that you can see the new hospitals, airports, bridges, schools health centres, fly over bridges, houses for police and defence force staff etc which PF government constructed! But for your favourite government they are in the third year now , we have not even seen any of the above infrastructure, except selling the mines illegally and rural toilets constructed in Kitwe. And read what Hon. Binwell Mpundu has said, “ati tu Upnd ni TU kabolala . . . “! And those are the people you are busy supporting. Careful, you may end up in Chimbokaila together with them in December 2026!

    • You have never heard of or seen the Chingola-Chililabombwe Road? It was built at a fair price and the right quality. Obviously the people of Kwacha do not matter in your life. They had even ran out of land on which to dig fresh pit latrines. When HH went there to campaign in the Kwacha constituency by-election, he did just go there to ask for votes. He was also looking at people’s mikalile. When he saw how pathetic hygiene standards were, he thought of doing something about their plight and boy, hasn’t he done it? Kwacha township residents are happy and it’s the only thing that matters. The rest is noise.

    • Perhaps find out how much PF borrowed and how much they spent on those things you are talking about? You remind me of kids whereby a visiting Uncle leaves them with K100 in my hands, I buy them sweets for K5 and use the rest for my chibuku, but the kids will go round preaching saying look at the sweets uncle bought for us look look look, and yet Yr father has taken 90% in drinking.
      Coming to UPND, ask yourself a question to say how much have they borrowed in that 3years you are talking about?

  3. Really Laura!! Are you casting the first stone? Are you pointing at PF with the index finger? Reflect and look at your choir boys again. Check where the four fingers in your hand are pointing!!

  4. Really Laura!! Are you casting the first stone? Are you pointing at PF with the index finger? Reflect and look at your choir boys again. Check where the three other fingers in your hand are pointing!!


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