Sunday, 18th August 2024

Revolutionary Greetings my dearest Revolutionary Comrades from across the Country and beyond. Let me start by quoting what Fidel Castro said in 1959 and I quote ” a revolution is not a bed of roses, a revolution is a struggle between the past and the future”.

Fellow comrades the Socialist Party is NOT FOR SALE, not today not tomorrow or any other day. The Socialist Party has been formed for the Zambian working masses both employed and unemployed. Our goal is a Socialist Zambia with equal opportunities to everyone and where there is going to be equity in the distribution of wealth according to ones level of effort. Don’t be cheated Comrades, this undertaking will never be easy and many will fall out along the way but the vision and the ideas will never fall out, they will never die and they will be achieved.

My fellow fighters, we are going to have days when vultures will come with hidden agendas pretending to be part of the family and they will mislead many and they will try to divide the Socialist Party family and they will try to win your sympathy when infact all they want is to sale your Party to the enemy. Before you know it, you will have no Party to be proud of, your Party, the Party for the poor Zambians would already have been taken away from you by a few selfish individuals and work done will be equal to zero.

I agree that a party thrives on the growth of it’s membership and it’s not healthy to be losing members, but at the same time, who would love to carry a basket full of rotten eggs to the market for business? The Socialist Party is not for individuals, the Party is bigger than any individual.

We have vultures who want to sale your Party because they are power hungry, we have vultures who want us to compromise all the socialist principles just to get into power so that they start eating and forget about you the owners of the party. When you have a leadership in the Party, it’s just right to have trust in your leadership and the decisions it’s making. As hard as some decisions made can be, believe me they are made in the interest of the Party which is our interest. Let’s defend the Party and the leadership today because tomorrow will have no Party to talk about.

We have come a long way and through our hard work we have survived, we have struggled and we have achieved. Let’s hold on just for a bit, we are almost there. Don’t be fooled by cheap propaganda. Socialist Party means business and will not betray the Zambian people.

Samora Machel said and I quote,” personalities and fame pass; the revolution must remain”

Remember Comrades we are who we say we are.

Viva SP Viva….

Cde Gilbert Mumba
SP Member of the Central Committee


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