There are two PF Ministers whose style, in office, I wish others would emulate- Laura Miti


There are two PF Ministers whose style, in office, I wish others would emulate. Actually, I wish they would return to high office in one way or another.

Vincent Mwale and Wilbur Simuusa.

These two always displayed indepth understanding of the portfolios they oversaw, and did little to to no politicking. They gave intelligent informative interviews and exuded respect for their audience.

It’s sad that our political divisions mean we lose individuals with so much to offer the country.

Interestingly, our party system does not seem to have a problem facilitating the less competent and more unsavoury politicians, and other functionaries, to be in every government.


By Laura Miti


  1. Laura
    The best Minister ever is Hon Dr Charles Banda. Mr Mwale was a gentleman, but not at the level of integrity with Dr Banda.
    I have little knowledge on Wilbur

    • You mean Charles Banda the former ZNBC employee, the bigthief from Petauke? That’s a fake Dr. A useless conman that one. I think you don’t know the man very well. One of the biggest PF crooks ever. Kawalala wa petty cash ku ZNBC


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