There Is Nothing Wrong With Owning 49 Houses-Nkana MP Binwell Mpundu

Binwell Mpundu


Binwell Mpundu, Nkana MP argues;


Am reading a post quoting Kalan Muchima who alleges that some unnamed sitting minister is corrupt because that minister has bought a house already for K550,000.

Now if that is true. How can a minister fail to buy a house for K550, much loan can a minister get let alone some of these ministers are businessmen so how can they fail to buy such a cheap property.

This is why I wonder why we should crucify Bowman for owning 4 properties like seriously a person who served as a minister can fail to own 4 properties.

This brings me to 49 houses. Why should it be a taboo to own 49 houses and the whole country is turned upside Down over 49 houses or maybe it’s because we thought it was a politician??

So if in the next 5 years I manage to build 4 houses will you call me corrupt?? so that I avoid going that route…

Come on guys I think this is too much. We can’t continue glorifying poverty let’s encourage people to work hard and to own property. How are we going to develope if we don’t encourage our people to work hard. People in Zambia by the way are alive now, they are investing big time including my young brothers the ones you call Jerabos they no longer waste money the way they used to do in the past, they now build houses but trust me of you ask them to account how the got the property they own my guess is you will come back with insults because most have not kept a record of their business activities.

This is why I objected the proposal to introduce a life styles audit because it will mean taking us back to the days of unip if you were born then you must have heard of the word SITET and you must have heard how people used to be harrased for owning a TV set ans I wonder if we are normal to want to go back to thsoe days.

Those who support lifestyle audits. Let me explain a bit what an audit looks like. The auditors will ask you starting with :how you acquired the things you own, meaning you have to show proof by way of receipts, then you have to show the movement of money from your earnings to your bank and your withdrawals to acquire what you own then it will bring on the question of how much tax you have paid over what you own.
Please tell me if the above simple scenerio sounds pleasing to you.How many of you can even produce receipts of the TVs you own.

Let me end by saying it’s OK for a minister to buy a house, it’s ok for a minister to own property for as long as they can account for it but remember that if you allege that they acquired what they have illegally, then you are the one who must prove that they acquired the said property illegally. Remember the law holds that the burden of proof lies in the one alleging and he who alleges must prove.

That’s why I think something is wrong with our approach. How can you who finds me with bags of money aks me to prove where I got the money and you allege that my money is proceeds of crime. Sir it’s you according to the law who must prove that it’s ill gotten or its proceeds of crime. You are the one alleging so you are the one to prove.

🤣🤣🤣 This conversation is only for sober minds I know it’s too much for small minds so I suggest you stay away.



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