Mr Hakainde Hichilema says they will “prosecute and persecute”.
Them “prosecuting” suspected wrong doers doesn’t require much disquision. But them “persecuting” some people certainly raises eyebrows. Simply put, to prosecute means to institute or conduct legal proceedings against a person or organisation. If conducted in a fair and just manner – without malice or prejudice – this generally acceptable.
To persecute means to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict – specifically: to cause to suffer because of belief, affiliation – political, religious, ethnicity or race, and so on and so forth. And this is unacceptable ab initio.
This being the case, why is Mr Hichilema saying they “persecute”? Why is Mr Hichilema taking this sadistic, cruel and inhuman approach? When persecution is announced as state policy by the President it is frightening. This is declaration of tyranny as state policy. And the nation is already witnessing increasing persecutions, especially of political opponents.
There’s need for all Zambians of good will to unite, oppose and denounce Mr Hichilema’s persecutions.
Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party