THIS LOADSHEDDING IS A NIGHTMARE … I was far much better than my colleagues (UPND)- Lumgu



… I was far much better than my colleagues (UPND).

Ndola, Saturday, June,15,2024 [Smart Eagles]

Former Republican President Edgar Lungu says the PF Government was far much better than the new dawn administration.

Speaking when the United Kwacha Alliance leaders attended the Thanksgiving service at Trinity Embass Church in Ndola, Mr. Lungu said the past three years has been difficult for the people of Zambia adding that the current Loadshedding is a nightmare.

He said lack of food still remains a challenge for the majority Zambians.

” I know what you went through when I was President, I was far better than my colleagues, we have to compare and contrast these things. The suffering was not was not like this when I was in power. Let those we with ears listen,” Mr. Lungu said amidst jubilation.

And the former Head of State said the church has the duty to sanitize politics by ministering to politicians directly.

” Some politicians come to church to capture following and grow numbers but as they come, minister to them so that they know the love of God. Politicians can’t be better if the church fears them. I have seen that there is an increase of harrassment of the church, but keep praying and encouraging each other,” Mr. Lungu said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lungu said the ministry of Religious Affairs and National Guidance will be recreated when UKA forms Government in 2026.


  1. As stupid as you were, you load shedded us when there was no natural disaster like drought, please tell us the part where you were better, when all you did was loot, plunder, gas, murder and corruptly planted cadres to harass us. STUPID IDIOT.

  2. Mr Lungu go to church to worship,not like a self righteous Pharisee. Only dull citizens cannot see through your schemes of using the church for your monkey tricks…..tulipano

  3. Why do these so called “churches” desecrate the pulpit? Why do you hive these political charlatans a forum to spew their lies and hatred?

    For thirty pieces of silver? Shame on you!
    Remember, God cannot be mocked.

  4. Zambians should not forget how ECL militarized ZP towards the end of his time in office.
    He knew things were going to get worse. To protect himself, arming police to the teeth was the answer!
    He is speaking like a Wolf in Sheep Skins!
    Don’t forget he is a Self-confessed Snake!
    Snakes are known to charm their victims!
    It would be foolish for Zambians to head back kumalushi!
    President Dr HH has already done the dirty work of Debt Restructuring and unbundling of ZESCO that lays the foundation for stability!
    Yes, Debt Restructuring process is never a painless process!
    We who are old enough will tell you how much hard it was with SAP under Chiluba and HIPC under Mwanawasa!
    The PF Debt mess was SAP plus HIPC amidst floods and drought complicating things.
    Nevertheless, the foundation for growth has been laid. It’s time to deliver results!
    Someone had the chance to unbundle ZESCO to spur alternative power sources. He had no clue!
    It’s very easy to look smart when you have no head winds! As they say, everyone can claim to be a good Sailor when the Seas are calm!
    How many Solar farms did Adada commission while in office?
    With 86% Dependency on Hydro power, a severe drought like we had makes severe unexpected loadshedding inevitable!
    To be truthful is important!
    Lungu knows how precarious the situation has become but will not acknowledge the truth because he is blinded by his quest for revenge and self-preservation!

  5. Yes you managed loadshedding pa nkolongole. Who is paying back that nkongole? The money that Zesco borrowed to fix the power stations, that are now almost fully operation but for the water levels, where did that money go?
    Its easy to throw stones, but its the same glass house that you live in that you are throwning stones at Ba Lungu. A narrative that any rational person will see points at you…Chimbwi no plan. And you want to come back without a plan on how to build the country. Keyword. Sustainable future is what Zambians want.


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