Those celebrating the escape of JJ Banda don’t mean well for the country – Kabimba


Those celebrating the escape of JJ Banda don’t mean well for the country – Kabimba

ECONOMIC Front president Wynter Kabimba has condemned those celebrating the actions of Petauke Central Member of Parliament Emmanuel Banda who is said to have escaped from the hospital through a window standing more than two meters high on Sunday evening.

Banda is facing a non bailable offence of aggravated robbery and was remanded at Namuseche Correctional Facility in Chipata but got admitted to Chipata General Hospital on August 1.

In response to the escape of the law maker, some citizens have hailed the alleged criminal for taking such a step.

Responding to the celebrants, Kabimba stated that the culture of impunity should not be tolerated in the country.

“Those speaking the loudest and pretending to be more concerned do not mean well for this country because they are perceiving criminals as heroes,” he added.

He commended Government for uploading the rule of law, ensuring that those who committed crimes against humanity are held accountable.

“Honestly, people ought to commend the new dawn government for upholding the rule of law where those who committed crimes or atrocities against humanity must be held accountable in ensuring the dispensation of social justice.”

“The judicial predicament on JJ must serve as precedence for the UPND as an incumbent political party in power to desist from emulating what was happening under the previous political regime,” he advised.

Kabimba further said those claiming that Banda’s rights where violated while he was in custody must read more on the law so that they can have comprehensive understanding.

By Catherine Pule

Kalemba, August 8, 2024


  1. I agree with you Mr. Kabimba it is sad and very disheartening to see people heroworshipping a political criminals like JJ Banda. If someone look back at his brutal behaviour when he was a PF provincial chairman you remain to wonder why this heroism.
    But again it this is a true nature of how society behaves in times of crisis. Society always want to look for a relief. To me I blame the UPND government today. There are certain unnecessary arrests that the police have done on the political scene which when a criminal case like that of JJ Banda is reopened, society can’t make a difference.
    It is high time zambia police should understand and differentiate political statements and political actions from criminal statements and actions. UPND while in opposition made alot of political statements and acted politically wrongly but they were not supposw to be turned into criminal cases.
    Today you can’t be summoning and arresting every political opposition on every statement or action. You end up giving space to political criminals to become heroes like JJ Banda.
    Please refer to the late DPP Mukelebai Mukelebai once said in politics there is alot that happens We should differentiate mere political statements from defamation or criminal statements.
    And Dr. M’membe was one of the instrumental in hounding out the gallant humble late DPP Mukelebai who meant well for mother Zambia.
    Please differentiate mere political statements from criminal statements and actions otherwise society won’t see the difference between criminal prosecution and political persecution.

  2. One woman said they are many, meaning those from the north and from the east. That they can make things difficult for HH’s government. Didn’t another midget say that the minority cannot rule the majority? So the section of the country which is happy with jj’s escape is well-known.

    • Please desist from making divisive stamens.A few ex PF politicians and govt officials fro the east does not mean the whole eastern province. If easterners didn’t want UPND govt then why did so many vote for HH.
      To me a very proud easterner the political situation currently in this country ia being caused by very bad losers who cannot accept the people’s will.
      Please do not say easterners because we have many tribes in the east. To me this about ex PF politicians and UPND govt.
      Do not make it a North and east alliance.Not all easterners supported PF

      • Kabimba is okay with the fact that HH instructed law enforcement officers to resurrect a case against JJ Banda that was disposed off by the courts of law only after Banda mentioned State House operatives to have been behind his abduction. Kabimba is also okay with the fact that JJ has had to endure torture at the hands of police before he is again found guilty and convicted by a competent court of law. One just wonders what stuff lawyer Kabimba is smoking these days. He seems to be okay with the manner JJ Banda has so far been treated. If these are the senior lawyers we have in Zambia, then the country is doomed.


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