DORA Siliya says there were a lot of detractors in the Patriotic Front (PF) who believed that she should be punished for not toeing the party line and should be replaced with someone who represented its very soul, which is thuggery.

In her book, ‘Minding My Father’s Country’, the 53-year-old former Cabinet minister recalls the electoral machinations in Petauke ahead of the August 2021 vote, which she describes as “unbelievable” and that everyone apportioned blame on Lusaka businessman Vaulden Findlay.

“Of course, I knew that there were a lot of detractors who thought I should be ‘punished’ for not toeing the PF line completely since joining, and be replaced by someone who represented the very soul of the PF: thuggery,” she says.

CREDIT: Zambia Daily Mail


  1. Now that is introspect….one has to wonder what Dora didnt see this a mile away?
    With all the education that we get. We dont seem to see those whose values that we dont share as we too obstructed by the self gain and position that we may get.
    A fate every Zambian wanna be politican seems blind to.

  2. But why did Dora not resign from PF when she was Minister? Why did she only see thuggery after losing to JJ? Is this not a case of sour grapes? It is like that book of hers is just about painting others black from Frank Mutubila, her late husband, ECL and now her party PF that gave her a job. Dora needs to heal.

    • At least she is healing. Are PF? Or so hell bent on dragging on their thuggery they want to drag the rest of us in their mess….enough already.

  3. When the Hippo tells you something about the Crocodile, he knows what he is talking about. The two know how they live under water and know each other very well. So Dora knows what she is talking about, she had no better words to use.

  4. Whether it’s the sour grapes mentality, I think there is something strongly coming out her about what PF is and was. Please let’s listen carefully, you’ll understand why majority of zambians detested and still detest PF. Even if they were to change color it will be like the way the chameleon is, it’s just that regardless of the colors.

  5. Ms. Siliya was never PF. Just an opportunist who sneaked into the PF government through the machinations of one Mr. Rupiah Banda.

    UPND have done well not to encourage PF chaff to defect to UPND. This has helped to stabilize the opposition and preserve a semblance of decency in UPND. PF was overrun by the likes of Ms. Siliya, just like MMD was overwhelmed by UNIP defectors.

    So, UPND watch out. You might suffer the same fate if you entertain the likes of Mr. Frank Bwalya.

    • That is just contagious. Hasnt this gone on for far too long? Where being a politician is a means to an end. The scourge needs to come to an end.
      People think being a politican and empty drum making noise is a service to people.
      That is not service to people. Politican position is an indication of a set of values. Archaic as Mmembe’s socialist values maybe. But those are his. I respect that about him. Practically unattainable with zero value to humanity and just ego driven and self serving, but that is his take of how he thinks the cake should be shared.
      How many people actually believe in him and those values? That is the million dollar question. That is why we go to school to decipher BS from real crap. However, Zambians just float from one party to the next just for a JOB. And Gwen Gutherine was not kidding. No thought of the reprecusions we just follow blinding as long as it gets us through today. Sadly that is the kid of short sighted people we are. Dora just wrote it down.

  6. In a society where itching ears are ready and hungry to hear the next gossip or true story, the timing and ability to entice the general public to listen to her story is quiet intriguing.

    This book will certainly be an eye opener to some hidden things only the walls present in the hidden meetings could have revealed.

    The Bible is true. All secrets will come out in the open at the appointed time. Truth will always prevail.

  7. Apparently Thuggery is the PF culture. Thuggery is the name of the PF politics game. A few days ago KBF revealed how Sata played Kabimba by using PF youths (as their master’s voice) to have him removed as Secretary General and minister. Very disgusting. You don’t treat a comrade like that, regardless. Anyway those who associate with thugs end up being humiliated by the same thugs.

  8. We all knew and up to now that PF party is a movie and people shall talk once it is moved around 97•c away from the community. There are still few elements in PF who have remained confusing the citizenary that’s why we see much a number of them doing what is going on. Soon PF will be a thing of the past especially 2025 March /April

  9. Dora, you were and are part and parcel of the pf thuggery. You are talking about pf only because you have a book to sell and make money out it. You, Lungu, and PF are one and the same.
    Why did you not speak out when you were in government??????

    • At least she calls it like it is….I call that having some guts. While the likes of Mundubile and Mwamba want us to think otherwise.
      Come people wake up and smell the coffee….

  10. For sure, PF was a nightmare. A terrible long dream on a very long ‘night’.
    It was a dream where one would encounter a small hill on the path yet so difficult to cross.
    One where one would try to scream for help but no one heard one’s voice.
    Police were made to call thugs ‘Commander’! A party where a directive could come from a cadre to a CEO of a Parastatal to release funds, vehicles or materials for ‘ichipani’ to do this or that!
    Phew! What a relief Zambians have with the coming of UPND. HH is a sober character and we need such a clean fellow to lead Zambia, not ba Kadansa!

  11. The PF leaders live by thuggery, worked for thuggery,spoke by thuggery and destroyed everyone and everything that cross their thuggery.
    Today, their speeches, articles and solidarity is marked with thuggery.
    We need to pray for them. Civil servants are threatened even before alewelelapo. Thuggery in opposition.


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