Tribalism must be fought with equal force on both sides, not just against those opposing the govt- Thomas Sipalo

Thomas Sipalo


Tribalism must be fought with equal force on both sides, not just against those opposing the government.

Currently, the same laws are being broken by both government supporters and opponents, but only those against the government are being arrested and charged.

This selective application of the law must not be tolerated. If the government is truly against tribalism, then all those championing it, regardless of their political affiliation, must be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed equally and fairly according to the law.

The law must be impartial and not biased towards those in power. We must question why opposition members are quickly arrested for tribal remarks and seditious acts, while government supporters committing the same offenses go free.

Let us demand equal application of the law for all, regardless of political affiliation.

Let’s promote one Zambia,one Nation.


Thomas Sipalo,
Komboni President,
United Kwacha Alliance (UKA)
National Youth Chairman.


  1. Young man I know you want to make a mark on a new appointment and its all fine. But being naive and showing us your ignorance is not a good way of winning reason with citizens

    If you know these people you allude to who are being farvored and you ha evidence of what you are claiming you are duty bound to report them to the authorities. We will certainly support you. We don’t want this bad practice to destroy our great nation. Regardless where it is coming from.

    Evidently you are yet to understand what leadership entails. It is not only when politicians are sitting in parliament or and being driven around in their cars passing around everywhere with police escort.

    We demand examplary conduct and responsible character on and off camera. A leader has power in their mouth to issue statements which can build or destroy.

    It must be underscored that bad leaders don’t understand that their words actually have the power to influence negatively or positively.

    Hence when two leaders make very terrible hate speech statements they influence the people thwy represent. Their mere position requires them be careful from making inlaming statements.

    Pro lem is these young people or old shameless folk have no or little regard for life.

    In short your argument is baseless and holds not water at all. Go back and do a better job. These best you could do on behalf of your organisaton/team is improve their image and condemn the bad vice with the contempt it deserve.

    Lastly my friend the world most sought after duties which if properly done can help to change lives or destroy them.


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