UKA Alliance Member Jackson Silavwe Sweats To Find Money For Workshop


GOLDEN Party Zambia (GPZ) president Jackson Silavwe has appealed to party sympathizers to contribute towards the training workshop scheduled for August 24, 2024.

In an appeal circulated to his members and well-wishers, Mr. Silavwe, who is also Communications Chairperson in the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA), is appealing for contributions to meet the K19, 900 budget for the forthcoming event

“Attention GPZ members, supporters, and sympathizers. Kindly requesting for your contribution towards the GPZ training workshop scheduled to take place on 24th August, 2024. Please, send the money directly to the GPZ mobile money on 0764674894 and inbox me the screenshot,” reads the notice in part.


  1. With ama-T yakwe as the only members and sympathisers what does he expect? Go get from your ukwa/idiots, tho the porn star is still in cells so kaya!!!

  2. Has he tried calling Edgar Lungu? That’s not even small change for Edgar Lungu. I think Silavwe is joking because he knows where to go to find money.


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