
This afternoon a combined meeting between UKA Assembly of Presidents (AoP) and UKA Council of Secretaries General (CSG) was held at the UKA Secretariat in Woodlands, Lusaka.

The meeting discussed pertinent issues concerning the United Kwacha Alliance, UKA. All the 13 UKA political parties were represented.

Silavwe Jackson
Chairperson Commmuications
United Kwacha Alliance-UKA


  1. A banch of failures looking to suck ECL’s hidden kasaka kandalama.
    Sakwiba Sikota said it that it’s ECL with his colleagues in PF sponsoring them.
    Very soon they will crash because PF can not allow other person other than Kabolala to lead the so called Ukwa.
    Fili uko tuleya.
    Where Kaonde man

  2. It’s already a poisoned Chalice with too many ba Mukolwe, let alone ECL in the mix!
    Other UKA members will soon realize what a “snake bite” feels like … Kikikiki
    The best thing for Zambia is to abolish all these useless political groupings and come up with only one party called Zambia to which we all belong by virtue of our citizenship and National Registration cards!
    That way, we will have a truly one party participatory democracy, better than what we had with KK where the powers of a president are significantly reduced to the point where the citizens can easily hire and fire a non-performing president.
    The Presidency can be made to rotate among provinces and the benefits of a president should be made very UNATTRACTIVE so that only those who genuinely want to serve, rise to the position. An no one with a criminal past, like robbing widows and a nation should be allowed anywhere near the corridors of power! It’s a big unpatriotic mistake to elect convicts because they are unrepentant and violent by nature!
    Under this arrangement, Provinces should run like semi-autonomous states with their houses of District representatives in those respective provinces! This will help to resolve contentious issues like the thorny Barotseland issue!
    We can abolish constituencies and just make do with Districts!
    Our current Parliament becomes a house of Provincial Governors!
    This second dispensation of Multiparty politics is not serving us well because of selfishness which is leading to more divisive politics!
    Right now, UKA and UPND alliances are on a potentially bloody war path!
    There will be many casualties among the foot soldier cadres as we edge towards 2026!
    We pray that the Church can take a more neutral stand and be the peacemakers they ought to be!
    When the Churches become playgrounds for politicians, they fit the classical Biblical definition of Harlots that are committing Spiritual Fornication with the Kings of the Earth! (Revelation 18).
    We are cautioned to put a difference between holy things and unholy things (Ezekiel).
    We must change this political system! It’s not serving us well!

  3. Your friend, president HH is bust commissioning big projects and creating job; Ndola Kitwe dual carriage way, Chibuluma road, completed Chingola chilibombwe road etc. And UKWA is busy with comedies. Elections are coming; you will be white washed your HH. It’s not a joke. HH is far ahead of all UKWA far. Only M’embe is a distant behind

  4. Jacob Zuma ruled out not standing in as president,soon here in Zambia Mr snake Will be also advised not stand for fourth times even though informed the national that his violence


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