
Today, the United Kwacha Alliance, UKA National Chairlady, Madam Faith Munthali led the UKA Women’s Council to visit incarcerated NDC Leader Saboi Imboela at Chimbokaila Correctional Center.

The UKA Women’s Council delegation encouraged President Saboi Imboela to remain vigilant, strong and focused to help liberate Zambia from this budding tyranny.

“Our Country is now faced with extreme discrimination never witnessed before, as such women should rise politically to condemn this selective and biased application of justice in our society.”

The National Chairlady was accompanied to Chimbokaila by the GPZ National Chairlady, Ms. Precious Shakafuswa and NDC National Governing Council Committee Member Incharge of Gender, Ms. Hilda Namwila.

Others were Citizens Firsts, CF’s Ms. Marjorie Mutakwa, Ms. Joyce Nyendwa and Ms.Maud Shishekanu.

Adora Alinedi Phiri
Deputy National Chairlady- Administration
United Kwacha Alliance-UKA


  1. These ladies don’t mean well to society because they are supposed to be the mirror of good morals,if Saboi Imboela didn’t attend court sessions~ is not breaching the constitution contrary to them accusing government of locking her on tramp up charges. Let these ladies sober up and stand for the truth not peddling lies and misleading the public.

  2. Discrimination? How was Saboi discriminated?
    And these women want to suggest they can lead? With this kind of articulation of issues?
    Saboi is a criminal. She started off by disparaging the Head of State. Would these women entertain a child insulting them or the father of the Home?
    She insulted the courts by her actions. That is a consequence of her actions. Lets not appease and coddle individuals. We are all equal before the law. Good riddence to Saboi. She is a menance to society and the law has spoken. Next face the courts for the defamation. If found guilty pay the price.
    Want to turn this country into a circus while others sweat and you masquarade as “unproductive indivdual” what is that you produce? Insults? Is that the society we want? UKA ladies should be embarassed to stand up for such a person when the country is full of more deserving indivduals. Being a Politicans is not a passport to fooliness.

  3. These ladies would have done well to just pay a courtesy call on Ms Saboi Imboela and not say much. By opening their mouths they have shown how unworthy they are to aspire to lead this country in at any level of leadership.

    Ms. Imboela ignored the courts of law and started playing hide and seek. There is nothing like discrimination, just her arrogance on display. The courts are not there to entertain. They are there to deliver justice.

    If you don’t say much people might credit you with some wisdom but if you talk too much you leave people in no doubt as to how foolish you are.

  4. What was in the minds of these women? Look at the words they were using, ati they encouraged President Saboi Imboela to remain vigilant, strong and focused to help liberate Zambia from this budding tyranny “Our Country is now faced with extreme discrimination never witnessed before, as such women should rise politically to condemn this selective and biased application of justice in our society.” Instead of just advising their friend not miss Court Sessions, they decided to start talking about irrelevancies. Who is a budding tyranny? Can Saboi Imboela liberate Zambia from a budding tyranny by missing Court sessions? When did missing Court session become an extreme discrimination, selective and biased justice? How can someone be given fair and un biased justice when she is absent from Court? And several times for that matter. Women are now being respected more than they were in the previous administration. Have the same women already forgotten about how some of their fellow women were being stripped naked in public? At one time PF cadres threatened to rape Hon. Masebo at city market. They should try to find out from her if they think I am telling a lie. This time there is a lot sanity and decency in our society, only law breakers are complaining all the time. When did they hear that Judith Kabemba is arrested or is being discriminated against? We don’t and should not be supporting lawlessness in the country.


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