Percy Chanda




There is nothing political or tribal about Police investigating and arresting perpetrators of crimes committed in 2015.When a crime is committed against society or individuals, justice must prevail. Some people are accusing the Police and the New Dawn Government of tribalism and witch hunting for bringing to book the perpetrators of crimes against innocent Zambians during the PF’s rule of terror. This is not unique to the Zambian situation. During the Second World War a lot of atrocities were committed against innocent people. The perpetrators of those crimes even migrated to other Countries. But were later traced and tried years after the Second World War. The civilized World never said that was witch hunting. To any crime justice must prevail. Let the Courts of Law determine if such cases are out of time. Otherwise UMULANDU TAUBOLA.

Most of the cases under investigations involve serious crimes such as murder. But today we have people trivializing the killing of innocent people because they are still eating from these killers. Unfortunately, these sentiments are coming from very senior members of our society. What message are these people sending to relatives and sympathizers of those who were killed or maimed? It’s such kind of irresponsible and reckless behavior that leads to Civil Wars. Stop supporting criminality for the sake of your stomach or tribal inclination.

Power is sweet but it intoxicates. PF leaders and cadres were not only intoxicated but went mad due to absolute power which collapsed absolutely on 12 August. Ba Police, Zambians are still waiting to know who burnt the markets and gassing people. Once you secure convictions, please on behalf of Zambians, arrest the former top Police Command and charge them with abetting criminals and negligence of duty. People should learn to keep away from crooked Politicians, like PF.

Stop putting wrong words in the mouth of President HH. This is meant to promote your tribal and hate speech agenda. When Zambians condemn tribalism and hate speech, they do so knowing too well that is a source of anarchy. Each time hate speech and tribal remarks are made against people of Southern Province and the UPND; it brings shame on all Party members and all well meaning Zambians. Tribalism is a very evil ladder for any Politician to use to ascend to power. Any Politician using tribalism and hate speech must be held accountable for his actions.

Percy Chanda

UPND – NMC Member and Chairman for Mines


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