UNZA lecturer questions criteria used to appoint principal PR officers in ministries


UNZA lecturer questions criteria used to appoint principal PR officers in ministries


May I congratulate all those that have been appointed to the new position of Principal PR Officers in government.  Most of them are friends that I have known for many years. Indeed, some of these individuals have very admirable work culture, and no doubt, the ministries stand to greatly benefit.

I rarely publicly share my views on such matters, but on this issue, I feel compelled.

As one of the people who have been advocating for professionalism in the PR industry, I have received this development with mixed feelings.

And I think that Zambia Institute of Public Relations and Communications (ZIPRC) needs to carefully address it and guard from the potential entropy it is likely to cause in the PR industry.

Of course, government may have discretion over certain appointments, but now they should know that we have the ZIPRC Act that guides on some of these processes.

As such, government should have considered that PR positions are professional positions.

PR jobs should not be likened to political appointments such as those of District Commissioners or foreign service jobs.

By the way, was there a Commission that was appointed to review the Ministry establishments to create this/these position/s in line with both government and industry expectations?

Did this appointing authority even take into account issues of hierarchy, especially given that the Principal Officer is a relatively senior position in government?

How are these positions aligned with ZANIS Provincial Information Officers?

Let’s try to understand the sensitivity of some of the issues and information handled at this levels.

Don’t get me wrong. Indeed, it is a great move for the industry – one of the things we’ve been advocating for.

I am actually celebrating this move, but it’s the process that begs questions:

1. Was there a public advertisement for these positions?

2. Do all of the appointees meet the required qualifications for these positions?

3. Are they in compliance with the ZIPRC Law, which mandates specific qualifications and affiliations? (Are they ZIPRC members?)

4. Was consideration given to the promotion of existing PROs?

What will be the fate of the long-serving PROs within the various ministries and provinces?

It seems they will be forced to report to the new Principal Officers regardless of qualifications.

Dr. Basil Hamusokwe is a lecturer and Head of the Department of Media and Communication Studies at the University of Zambia.

He holds a doctorate degree Media and Cultural Studies. He is a radical leader and a well published scholar.

His research is interests are in: political economy, media policy; media freedom, media sustainability. He has been involved in both the development and evaluation of communication strategies for different institutions.

He was also a research fellow in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Johannesburg, and current research collaborator with the Global Media Technologies and Cultures Lab – MIT, USA.


  1. Pls were these positions not advertised? Where you there in the interview process?
    Because you are a lecturer and want to tell government who it hires so that you can exert undo influence.
    You appointment as lecturer is to teach. Stay in your lane. If you want a job, resign. But remember these are just jobs with security of tenure like the job you have. Grass seems greener from the other side. Be happy with where God has placed you. Dont obsess over what God has given others. He has his reasons.

  2. Misplaced concerns! The government is a big employer and has capacity to employ people to work in government. Your so called principles and criteria apply only to you. Government is for everyone willing to work there. You can not subscribe to government who it should employ. Humble yourself, it’s not your call. If you still love your job continue. However, it looks like you missed the advertisement for the job. It’s too late for now, but look out for next time. As for positions and hiraichy positions are advertised on merit and each position is unique. You can apply and negotiate for a pay. There’s always a give and take situation if it fits.

  3. These appointments are not needed and are a total waste of tax payers money.

    This looks like another dodgy scheme to give employment to UPND and Zambezi dwellers.

    This is what happens when the man in charge is as useless as they come.

    Never again.

    Vote wisely in 2026.


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