Upholding Democracy: A Plea to Mwangala Zaloumis and the ECZ

Upholding Democracy: A Plea to Mwangala Zaloumis and the ECZ

By Dr Mwelwa

In the ever-changing world of Zambian politics, a troubling story is unfolding. Nine Patriotic Front (PF) Members of Parliament are at the center of a controversy that threatens to shake the very foundations of our democracy. Our nation’s guiding principles—justice, fairness, and adherence to the Constitution—seem to be at risk.

Mwangala Zaloumis, as the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) and a respected constitutional lawyer, you carry the responsibility to protect our democratic rights. Your background and dedication to upholding the law make you a symbol of integrity in these difficult times. So, this isn’t just a call to duty; it’s a call to your conscience to consider the serious consequences of the upcoming by-elections that could further strain our country.

Here’s what has happened: Initially, all nine PF MPs were given amnesty, effectively canceling their expulsion. This decision came through the proper channels from the party President and the Secretary General—positions legally allowed to make such decisions according to the PF constitution. However, the deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Moyo, ignored these communications. By doing so, he not only went against party resolutions but also disregarded clear instructions from the Constitutional Court.

The results of this decision are troubling. First, by ignoring the Constitutional Court’s ruling, which stated that the Speaker cannot question party correspondence, the National Assembly has set a dangerous precedent. This undermines the authority of our judicial system. Secondly, our country is facing severe financial problems due to a drought and an already strained treasury. Organizing by-elections under such conditions is a cost we simply cannot afford. Lastly, holding by-elections in these controversial circumstances risks increasing political tension, rather than fostering the peaceful democratic process we all want.

Ms. Zaloumis, your role at the ECZ is more than just administrative. It’s about embodying justice and integrity. This moment calls for more than just following rules. It demands that you act with an ethical compass and a clear sense of right and wrong. Your job is to make sure that our democracy is not just a formality but a reality that we can all trust.

We are aware that your sister, Nelly Mutti, serves as the head of the Legislative wing of government. The nation, therefore, understands the potential complexities this situation could present. However, this is precisely the moment to set aside any personal affiliations and act purely as a constitutional lawyer. It is your legal expertise and unwavering dedication to justice that the country looks to now.

Consider these points in making your decision. Upholding the Constitution must be your guiding light. Ignoring the Constitutional Court’s ruling sets a dangerous precedent and disrespects the very foundation you’re sworn to protect. Being financially prudent is also crucial, especially now. Using scarce resources for unnecessary by-elections takes away from addressing more pressing national issues. In times like these, fiscal responsibility should come first. Lastly, political neutrality is essential. Any sign of bias can erode public trust in the electoral process. The nominees for the ECZ should be impartial and ethical, not connected to any political party.

Regardless of your political views, everyone should respect the essence of democracy. As our leaders navigate these troubled waters, you are in a unique position to anchor our nation to its democratic principles. Your choices will determine whether Zambia stands strong as a democracy committed to justice or veers off into partisanship and chaos.

By ensuring that the rule of law prevails, you not only uphold the dignity of the Electoral Commission but also reinforce our democratic ideals in a very challenging time. You have the chance to be remembered for your courage in standing firm for justice. We urge you to think deeply, act wisely, and steer the Electoral Commission towards a path that strengthens our faith in democracy and the Constitution of Zambia.

History will remember those who stood firm during crises not for the easy decisions they made but for the difficult choices they took for the sake of justice. We ask you to act with this in mind, for the good of our democracy and our nation.

11 thoughts on “Upholding Democracy: A Plea to Mwangala Zaloumis and the ECZ

  1. This is total rubbish especially coming from a known PF cadre and a PhD holder.
    Where was Mwelwa when Lungu undemocratically refused to hand over power to the speaker during the petition of the presidential election in 2016? Does he mean that was a democratically act? Where was Mwelwa when the ministers stayed in office after the dissolution of Parliament on advice from Lungu?
    This is the problem with these Bembas; they have this entitlement mentality as if they own Zambia.
    Why is Mwelwa putting the ECZ under this unnecessary pressure on a straight forward case like this one. They simply lost the case in Concourt so why does he think Mwaangala can start interpreting the law differently from the court. Wouldn’t that be promoting lawlessness itself and therefore an undemocratic act. Which laws give ECZ powers to do otherwise from the pronouncements of the court.
    People like Mwelwa are used to Lungu’s chaos and lawlessness. All that education in his head couldn’t remove most of the jungle that is stuck in his head.
    Democracy doesn’t come cheap baba; we are going for 9 by-elections and the 10th one for Matero to follow very soon.
    You need to be very serious and take your responsibilities seriously too. We are just following the law and that’s what the law requires us to do.

  2. Chilyata you don’t love your country if ever you are a Zambians. What rubbish about what the author has written? The author is just talking about the nonsense Hichilema and Upnd are planning to do. But to tell the truth Hichilema and Upnd will end up very badly because of raping the constitution of Zambia to satisfy their greediness! Hichilema has closed the door to any Southerner to ever rule this country in future! Because of massive selfishness and tribalism! So bye bye polio!

    1. How does the UPND and HH come in? Is Miles a UPND? Is Miles’ aka HH? Why is it so difficult for people to understand that this is purely a PF Family fight that has yielded the agrieved’s desire to scatter the party if things don’t go their way? Aya emalibu yakuilombela beba. Don’t Blame anyone if you allow your marriage to break. It has broken because you have failed to manage your differences.
      PF has been a disaster right from the beginning. Their strength has been appealing to to the desperate(More money in the pocket, dununa reverse, alebwelelapo and now recruiting 2 million youths for ZNS) not to intellectuals like Mwangala. How does she involve herself in Parliament issues when her job is just to set the stage for the competition for seats in Parliament, blow the whistle, stop the game and declare winners on one side and losers on the other? Her duty ends there Dear Zambians. Let’s not labour over things that are straight forward. These PF want someone to blame for their own troubles.
      They are always putting themselves in harm’s way to attract attention and win sympathy. Unfortunately their tactics are so cheap that they are easily readable.
      Is that the calibre of leaders you want? People who cause confusion instead of offering tangible solutions?
      Look at the Choice of leaders, not to mention names but giving examples of the agendas they push; Violence, tribalism, plunder of resources, closure of government institutions like UNZA which they ran down in preference for private Universities where their interests were, the running down of hospitals and separating certain special services and procedures by setting up personal units within government institutions or outside eg pharmacies and laboratories covered by tax payers’ insurance called NHIMA.

    2. ECL must now dance pelete the song will be played today. You wanted democracy. It had come now. If you don’t change your set you will always be baying black murder. In democracy there is no cutting of cornered like your useless Lungu did. It’s expensive but fair. It respects justice over expense. If you still or abrogate the law in any way, justice knocks on your door. HH has not done anything here. It’s the democratic wheels of justice turn…slowly but surely. When he was doing things with impunity never did he think somebody else would beat him to the highest office. But we the people inflicted the painful blow to his jaw. Now it’s time to apply the final uppercut. Bemba or no Bemba just will prevail. Lungu publicly raped the law and must dance…you just watch buddy.

  3. Who do you think you are to determine the future leadership of our country. HH and UPND are busy solving problems left by the thieves in PF led by Edgar Lungu.
    Dont even dare overestimating your importance because you’re nothing and can’t influence the vote of any election. You like me have got only one vote which you can give to Edgar Lungu if you want but will still lose miserably anyway.
    People know who is working for them or was stealing from them and they will never ever vote for your Edgar Lungu again.
    Sleep well little puppy; life is not about PF or Edgar Lungu.

  4. Chilyata, you and your UPND are finished. Even the nine constituencies you expect to usurp from the opposition will be difficult. Unless you use the useful idiot Muti to rig.

  5. Chilyata, when you hear chiefs coming in open from Luapula, Northern and MuChinga provinces then just know that , the subjects are bitter , angry and tired of this useless government

    1. Forget that. People recently went there to “pay homage” They can not support nonsense if they were told the truth.
      The fact that they have money to throw around does not mean they can influence Wise Chiefs. Chiefs are chosen to be on the throne for their wisdom.

  6. Most of these so called PhD holders just quickly acquire these papers to put food on the table by bootlick politicians to give them jobs. Just look at it: all of them that are making political commentaries have been total hogwash much to the embarrassment of those who conferred the degrees on them. Starting with my former Hillcrest co-alumnus (I won’t mention names) who was RB’s political adviser, to this one who sings choruses against HH to others too many to mention. They are all spineless , useless volume writers and fake analysts and psycophants worse than uneducated cadres in their open arse leaking displays. What a waste. You give them jobs they fail lamentably despite having the papers…even diploma holders perform courageously and much better. They cannot show any balls at all…just big fat nothing’s in jackets…what a shame.

  7. Most of these so called PhD holders just quickly acquire these papers to put food on the table by bootlicking politicians to give them jobs. Just look at it: all of them that are making political commentaries have been total hogwash much to the embarrassment of those who conferred the degrees on them. Starting with my former Hillcrest co-alumnus (I won’t mention names) who was RB’s political adviser, to this one who sings choruses against HH to others too many to mention. They are all spineless , useless volume writers and fake analysts and psycophants worse than uneducated cadres in their open arse leaking displays. What a waste. You give them jobs they fail lamentably despite having the papers…even diploma holders perform courageously and much better. They cannot show any balls at all…just big fat nothing’s in jackets…what a shame.

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