UPND Govt Have Forgotten So Easily What Zambians Went Through Thus They Don’t Pay Attention To Dangerous Agendas Championed By Edgar Lungu And His Minions

Edgar Lungu

By Sikaile sikaile


Dear Former President, Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu,

Today, I pen this open letter in response to your recent statement issued today 16/05/2024 on your official Facebook page, which I find to be deeply troubling and, frankly, absurd. As a concerned citizen of Zambia and someone your brutal government almost killed, I feel compelled to address the issues you raised and offer a different perspective sir.

Firstly, I must express my dismay at your selective memory and apparent hypocrisy. During your tenure as president, you witnessed members of your own government and supporters engaging in divisive rhetoric and actions aimed at certain ethnic groups, particularly the Tonga people. Your silence in the face of such intolerance spoke volumes. Yet now, you have the audacity to decry hate speech and claim to uphold the principle of “One Zambia, One Nation.”

Mr. Lungu, during your presidency, you witnessed members of your cabinet insulting the people of Southern Province simply because your rival, President Hakainde Hichilema, is Tonga. Have you forgotten when your defense minister Davis Chama told the people of Southern Province to produce more children to have a chance at the presidency? Or when some of your associates referred to the same victims as rats and cockroaches? You watched as your thugs killed people like Mapenzi Chibulo, Malesu Mukonka, Vespers and others and you never spoke out as president. Today, you wake up to write such a ridiculous statement. You’re a disappointment to this nation sir.

Your associates, under your command, went and answered the call of nature in HH’s house with impunity. HH has given you space to even move around, yet you have forgotten, sir.

Indeed, I partly blame the UPND government for associating with individuals who oppressed Zambians and killed citizens and even going into amnesty negotiations these are the results. If the UPND government had not so easily forgotten these atrocities and stopped pursuing amnesty for those behind them, you wouldn’t even dare to speak as you have done now Mr. Lungu. Under normal circumstances you should be the most grateful human being because you committed atrocities that you cannot escape if the law was to be taken seriously.

Jackson Chama, motivated by leaders like you, made hate speech statements like, “all Tongas should get jobs right now because when the government changes, they will be kicked out of employment in the government.” According to you, a lawyer by profession, this is acceptable behavior and signifies “One Zambia, One Nation.” Since President Hichilema took office, we have seen job opportunities being given to all Zambians, something you never achieved. Yet, you have the audacity to make such statements.

Your remarks about Dr. Chishimba Kambwili are particularly perplexing. You conveniently ignore the fact that your government supported him in divisive activities that sought to sow discord among Zambians. To now refer to him as “our own” is not only disingenuous but also insulting to those who suffered under his divisive rhetoric. About “why me” it is insane to see a former head of state associating himself to someone who unleashes such insults that leaves our mothers naked. To you it is politics since he is a PF cadre shame on you Mr. Former president.

Yourself, you made demeaning comments about Tongas, such as, “I know a Tonga will be president one day, but not this one,” referring to President Hichilema. This insensitivity contributed to the mistreatment of other tribes under your watch. Despite a Tonga family assisting you and your family, your disdain for Tongas persisted. Successful governance in Zambia requires respecting all tribes, not insulting or demeaning them. Zambians rejected your divisive narrative, and it’s time to accept that. Some of us in our families we have married from all regions and it hates to see a few selfish greedy politicians like you sir wanting to divide the country deliberately simply because you have failed to heal from the terrible loss you never imagined of in your life. You’re a security threat to our nation sir. The earlier UPND government woke up and put you in the right place, the better for our nation’s safety.

To the UPND government, this is what happens when you fail to address those who erred—they begin to believe they are more intelligent and sensible than those trying to progress the country. UPND government, you need to reflect and analyze this situation fairly because sentiments like those from Mr. Lungu can cause anarchy in the country. We were on the brink of serious problems in 2021, but Zambians stood firm. Mr. Lungu is determined to drag the country back to that level violence. UPND government, be extra careful. The people you are treating like angels are ungrateful.

Former President, Mr. Lungu, it is time for you to acknowledge your own shortcomings and the role your administration played in exacerbating ethnic tensions in our country. Rather than perpetuating division and animosity, we need leaders who are committed to fostering unity and inclusivity. I urge you to reflect on the consequences of your words and actions. Zambia belongs to all Zambians, regardless of tribe or ethnicity. It is only through mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation that we can truly achieve our collective aspirations for a prosperous and harmonious nation which of course can never be attained by your caliber.





  1. Is it Lungu you are talking to, he is not hearing. He is not able to distinguish between feeling of ONE LEG IN FIRE- OTHER LEG IN THE DEEP FREEZER you are right unless UPND wakes up least they will do so when he is back to plot 1. He has Too much space left to maneuver arrogantly.
    Cage him and his minions before they spill the confusion to innocent citizens.

  2. You politicians and your cadres are all blood thirsty, who killed Konga in Solwezi on the voting day?A lot of innocent people, including children were killed in the politically instigated gasing. We are waiting for someone to take the culprits to be held accountable but No one is saying anything. If our intelligence has failed to crack the case, bring in Scotland Yard.

  3. Sikaile has said it the way it is meant to be. ECL right now is going around campaigning strongly not because he feels for the Zambian people but because he is angry about the properties and monies taken away from His children and he wants to fix HH.

    • Exactly…That is the only reason is Lungu has reentered politics. To fix HH so the narrative and outbursts by his cohorts are meant to deflect and hood wink Zambians.
      What is even more sickening is that some political parties are clammering to Lungu without any sense of direction or interest of the Zambian public. As long as they have access to the treasury so that they can loot.

  4. And I quote.
    “Jackson Chama, motivated by leaders like you, made hate speech statements like, “all Tongas should get jobs right now because when the government changes, they will be kicked out of employment in the government.” According to you, a lawyer by profession, this is acceptable behavior and signifies “One Zambia, One Nation.” Since President Hichilema took office, we have seen job opportunities being given to all Zambians, something you never achieved. Yet, you have the audacity to make such statements.”

    This Jackson Chama took somesort of oath when called to the bar. Why waste time. He broke the law. Disbar him ba LAZ or are you too busy getting cosy with Politicians. The problem when GMB or CK have high blood pressure and dont show up in court. The courts act. The same said Politicans grovel up to their friend and make statements like the courts made a mistake, yet GMB’s lawyers could have filed documents or brought documents to court to show otherwise. Instead they grand stand and disparage institutions who only do their job and we complain about the “rule of law”…
    Politicians are the biggest killers of society yet want to speak like they are angles….

  5. This Sikaile squared is a very big tribalist. Anyway you will swallow your bitter pill in 2026, it’s just around the corner. Zambians are eagerly waiting to boot out the tribalists! Come 2026, Upnd will reap what they are sowing now!

    • Sakaile Sakaile is a computer sentinel programme, cannot operate otherwise, garbage in garbage out!!!


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