UPND has failed Zambians – Wynter Kabimba


UPND has failed Zambians – Kabimba

THE UPND has lamentably failed Zambians in the economic area and has instead plunged citizens into deep economic hardship as most Zambians are feeling the effects of the country’s runaway economy, Wynter Kabimba has said.

Mr Kabimba, the leader of the Economic Front (EF) says it is no longer debatable that the UPND has failed to revive the economy because Zambians have continued wallowing in deeper poverty after being promised better, cheaper and easier cost of living.

“There is no doubt that we are living in a runway economy, I think has the UPND has failed to manage the economy of this country, it’s not a debatable issue that things that things are expensive,” Mr Kabimba said.


  1. Stop misleading us, we have eyes to see what happening! What more do you want the government to achieve in a shortest period of time coming huge errors created by yourselves PF rainbow.

  2. Be consistent in your utterance Mr. Kabimba. Every time you open your mouth, you seem to say different positions on the same people. You are now confusing us as to what you really stand for and believe in.

  3. I thought Winter is intelligent and knowledgeable of the happenings before then that the New Dawn government is fixing or is it just political mileage he is playing.

    Those who were there in the MMD goverment of Levy Patrick Mwanawasa will remember how together with Finance Minister Ngande Magande worked tirelessly hard to fix the economy by then. It was not easy neither was it healthy, it was tough and rough and the language from the MMD government was to tighten up our belts. This was as a result of the huge Debt that the Country had which was about US$7 Billion but after qualifying for HIPC because of quality visionary leadership and prudent financial management, all was well. Many opposition people mocked LPM that he was cabbage this and that but after some period the economy bounced back, the kwacha was strengthened, and things in terms of price normalised but when PF came in just like Chiluba did, they destroyed all the gains that were made hence this situation we are inn, capped with the drought.

    That time the big issue was debt, this time the big/major issue is debt at its highest Us$30+ billion . I.e. international and local debt and then draught. It’s like the government is fighting from two fronts like Isreal is fighting Hesbora,band Hamas but we will win just like Isreal always wins because the hand of God is on us. Not even the snake will manage to continue disturberlising with its tricks but it will be well. So ba Winter! winter Kabimba bola panshi the President and his government is working extremely hard to control the situation.

    Even when you pretend to be blind but if you have the eyes of the heart you are seing what is happening unless kucitilafye umufulo Naka jealous, otherwise filecitika.

    Yes the cost of living is high, this, HH kale ayimona alekontolola nokufixer.

    Also across the country alot of projects are taking shape. Talk of class room blocks that are being belt, clinics, water facilities, roads including the Lusaka Ndola dual carriage way, feeder roads etc etc but bacakolwa Bena balifye mucalo cimbi. Yabaaaa! Not again.

  4. @ Mankambiz if you don’t know history of Zambia better ask. Who told u that Chiluba left a debt of US$7billion and it was Mwanawasa who cleared.
    Chiluba inherited a of $12billion debt from UNIP & KK govt. Thru restructural programmes (although painfully) debt was completely written off. The HPIC had stages and all primary stages were started under FTJ leadership. Levy came in to conclude secondary stages of HIPC.
    Please get facts straight even President HH in one of FTJ’s memorial services he recognised the tough decisions FTJ had to make to turn around economic activities of Zambia.
    UNIP left un empty economic. Ask people who knows facts your will be told the real people who worked to start afresh economically.

  5. Mr Kabimba, with due respect stop misleading people through your malicious talks on UPND and economy.Yes UPND promised the people of Zambia alot of things and when you look at the chart you may start ticking.
    * Employment of youths in education and health sectors with huge numbers very much in precedented not even Dr Kaunda did that at once employing such numbers 11 000 and almost 35,000 respectively.
    * Men and women in uniform soldiers in army, Zaf, and National service,commandos with huge number of girl or woman soldiers.Police girls and boys.All these were employed normally meaning no party affiliations or “Iam the friend of the friend of who” we saw young people from the villages from Ikelenge,Nakonde rural,Isoka muyombe,Senanga shangombo sibukali,Kalabo border with Angola,Kasumbalesa too many rural to mention.No tribal inclination no.Young doctors and nurses were employed without segregation.
    * Free education to primary and secondary education of our young children.Meal allow ances to university students and bussaries and these are big numbers Mr Kabimba my elder brother.
    * Youth training in skills through CDF at trades schools including at the famous ZAMIM. Skills in electrical, carpentry,brick laying, tailoring mechanics refrigeration too many to mention and all that done without looking at names or area of origin.
    * Correctional services youths were employed without looking at genda or political parties.Even your youths in your party were employed PF incisive.
    * Ka NAPSA part payments. to allow people to do something before the actual one is given.
    * Vice President’s office under resettlement schemes is busy resettling people in different resettlement schemes dotted all over the country to own farms of different sizes depending on choice and affordability of an individual or cooperatives or church groups.Mr Kabimba did know that? Resettlement schemes are to be rehabilitated with better feeder roads,dams and electricity lines with shopping malls and hospitals,schools and proper sports facilities not forgeting proper cemetery for the departed ones
    * We are currently experiencing climate change drought is with us meaning there is hunger in various regions the government is busy with food programs to aliviate hunger in many homes rural and town suburbs depending on situations like people living with disabilities.
    * Retirees are being paid their moneys owed for long time although this one is a little bit slow I would edge the government to further quicken the payments of retirees of different categories including universities and colleges
    * Mines are being opened and young ones are getting employed you heard recently on the copperbelt K20 000 was increased across the board in one of the mines.Supplies are now getting paid their moneys.
    * Recoveries on proceed of crimes are happening and you are told these matters must be concluded in at least 5 months.So Mr Kabimba UPND has just been in power for less than 3 years don’t be too much in a harry to be satisfied on all promises it’s small small and later big.The Lozi say ” kushemba ufumu ni ku nyinginya na mombo chima” meaning patience is important in wealth creation and prosperity.Dont blame the government things are just hard globally more especially the situation in which UPND found the economy.Huge debts on eurobonds and fuel which your former PF left.But better days are coming.

  6. You can’t eat your cake and still have it in your hands!
    When you borrow, create a means of paying back.
    Debt money is always sweet when you get it! The pain and the dawn of reality comes when the Debt money is finished and it’s time to pay!
    Zambians enjoyed Debt money when it was contracted during the PF era of borrowing left, right and center to the point of defaulting on debt repayment!
    The New Dawn government is caught up in the turbulence of the after effects of bad debt, unstable geopolitics and natural disasters!
    Let us just admit that we have been caught “Shishita” as a country because we are not ready to manage any unforeseen disasters!
    We never plan ahead!
    Those who travel will realize that the high cost of living is a global phenomenon!
    Those who are globally aware must have seen the viral video of a British girl ranting about the high cost of Ice cream, £9 British Pounds for Two kikikiki, that is 9 x 30 = K270 just for Ice cream, and you are crying over a K300 bag of Mealie Meal?
    In DRC, a 25 kg bag of Mealie Meal is costing anything upwards of K1,000!
    Even if people are crying that Boma exported Maize, the reality is smuggling of the commodity has reached uncontrollable levels. Instead of criminalizing exports, let’s take advantage of a Yawning DRC and East African Markets and mass produce!
    Do you want food Security at household level, grow your own food and keep your granaries replenished!
    Self-sufficiency at individual level is key to survive any Economy!
    Sadly, the naive despise farming and yet they still want to eat well!
    They don’t know where food comes from. We have a young generation that thinks food comes from the Supermarket!
    Until we realize the value of staying on a farm, we’ll always lead miserable lives, scrounging for a living!
    Those who are stuck muma Komboni should rethink the idea of moving out to resettle on farms!
    Komboni arrangements are abnormalities we have irrationally come to accept as normal! It’s the lowest form of human existence! No wonder, it’s Komboni dwellers who are very eager to get to Heaven because they live in a mess!
    Which Planets look like Heaven?
    Isn’t Earth a living Paradise when you compare it with other planets?
    This is why Messiah said the Kingdom of Heaven is in YOU!

  7. You can’t eat your cake and still have it in your hands!
    When you borrow, create a means of paying back.
    Debt money is always sweet when you get it! The pain and the dawn of reality comes when the Debt money is finished and it’s time to pay!
    Zambians enjoyed Debt money when it was contracted during the PF era of borrowing left, right and center to the point of defaulting on debt repayment!
    The New Dawn government is caught up in the turbulence of the after effects of bad debt, unstable geopolitics and natural disasters!
    Let us just admit that we have been caught “Shishita” as a country because we are not ready to manage any unforeseen disasters!
    We never plan ahead!
    Those who travel will realize that the high cost of living is a global phenomenon!
    Those who are globally aware must have seen the viral video of a British girl ranting about the high cost of Ice cream, £9 British Pounds for Two kikikiki, that is 9 x 30 = K270 just for Ice cream, and you are crying over a K300 bag of Mealie Meal?
    In DRC, a 25 kg bag of Mealie Meal is costing anything upwards of K1,000!
    Even if people are crying that Boma exported Maize, the reality is smuggling of the commodity has reached uncontrollable levels. Instead of criminalizing exports, let’s take advantage of a Yawning DRC and East African Markets and mass produce!
    Do you want food Security at household level, grow your own food and keep your granaries replenished!
    Self-sufficiency at individual level is key to survive any Economy!
    Sadly, the naive despise farming and yet they still want to eat well!
    They don’t know where food comes from. We have a young generation that thinks food comes from the Supermarket!
    Until we realize the value of staying on a farm, we’ll always lead miserable lives, scrounging for a living!
    Those who are stuck muma Komboni should rethink the idea of moving out to resettle on farms!
    Komboni arrangements are abnormalities we have irrationally come to accept as normal! It’s the lowest form of human existence! No wonder, it’s Komboni dwellers who are very eager to get to Heaven because they live in a mess!
    Which Planets look like Heaven?
    Isn’t Earth a living Paradise when you compare it with other planets?
    This is why Messiah said the Kingdom of Heaven is in YOU, not politicians!

  8. It is true that the economy is harsh, government must work out a solution to make life bearable, manje mwangena namalaiti.

  9. Mr. Kabimba is not even offering a solution to the economy .
    That’s why we’ve no proper checks and balances.
    What is it that you shall do as a party, which will reduce the hardship for the citizens?
    UPND is busy sorting out the mess you created and you are busy complaining with no solutions.
    Shut up and observe.


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