… says the level of hunger in the country is unprecedented.


New Congress Party NCP President Peter Chanda says the UPND is a careless Government that has no regard for the people.

Speaking when he addressed women in Chawama on Saturday, Mr. Chanda said the levels of hunger in the country is unprecedented.

He said under President Lungu and the PF people used to afford decent meals as compared to the UPND.

Mr. Chanda adds that the careless decision to sale maize that was in strategic reserves left by the PF Government is what has caused the escalating levels of poverty among Zambians.

” UPND is a careless Government, they deliberately sold the maize in strategic reserves to neighboring countries and today they come and tell the people that hunger is biblical. Under President  Lungu the level of hunger cant be compared to the one under President Hichilema,  this one is unprecedented,” Mr. Chanda said.

” The Bible says when the righteous rule people rejoice and when the wicked rule, people suffer. President Lungu looked after the people very well by also initiating various empowerment programs for the women and the youth. I can assure you that in the next one year seven months all this suffering will come to an end. In the meantime, as UKA we will look at the immediate empowerment programs for the women,” he said.

And Mr. Chanda said former President Edgar Lungu is the best choice for the 2026 elections and he remains eligible to contest.

” What we need to do now is to tell our children who didn’t vote well in 2021 to correct the mistakes they made in 2026,” Mr. Chanda said.



  1. Where is this hunger you alarmist are propagandaing about. Yes people may not eat nshima 3 times a day but hunger there is none.

  2. In fact, the opposite is true, the government cares for it’s people such that it has expanded the social security safety net like SCT and SCP. So if Mr. Chanda can’t afford to by food, there is food for work program under SCP so that he can get food by doing some work since he a able bodied person.
    Further, if he knows other people who also need such assistance, government is helping them with either food or money depending on the situation, so Mr. Chanda try to talk about something else.
    Who does not know that we experienced a severe drought in the country to expect food to be in abundance unless there is something wrong upstairs.

  3. njala njala muli hakainde ,we are still waiting for mealie meal of k50 per 25kg breakfast, goods are very expensive muli bally kunya amensh , economy is very bad , no medicine in hospitls and yet 61 containers of medicine costing more than 24 million dollars were stolen and the minister of upnd and others are suspected of being responsible for this scandal

  4. upnd government sold maize to tanzania at cheap price and they are now buying the same maize at very high price tha’s why mealie meal is very expensive

  5. the most corrupt and planless government on planet earth is upnd ,they have failed completely to fix the economy ,things are bad

    • Very is total order in the country only a stupid and fool can talk about PF criminals, honestly speaking PF criminals are gone and dusted time for compagining we are going to hair all the bad things they did during their time in office,I’m sure you watched on prime tv were PF criminals cutted fingers for someone because was putting posts for upnd.


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