… says Zambians are resolved to change government in 2026.


CITIZENS First President Harry Kalaba says Zambia needs to be liberated from poor leadership.

Speaking when he featured on 5 FM radio ‘Burning Issue’ program this morning, Mr. Kalaba said the UPND is a one term government because Zambians are resolved to change government in 2026.

He said is it disappointing that President Hakainde Hichilema has u turned on many promises he made whilst in opposition.

The CF leader said the high cost of living has continued to choke majority Zambians.

“President Hichilema promised to reduce the price of mealie meal to K50 and also reduce the cost of fuel. It is extremely disappointing that President Hichilema has u-turned on many things he said while in opposition. UPND lacks experience and they didn’t know where to start from, ” Mr. Kalaba said.

“…the police have never helped any government to cling to power but it is the court of public opinion that make an informed decision to change leaders. UPND is a one term government because people are resolved to change government in 2026,” He said.

And Mr. Kalaba said there is nothing wrong with him working with former President Edgar Lungu under the United Kwacha Alliance-UKA.

He said former President Lungu has leant alot of lessons from being Head of State and losing power.

” Times change and people change. When I resigned seven years ago, Former President Edgar Lungu was Head of State and he has leant a lot of lessons from being President to losing power and there is nothing wrong from seeking knowledge from him. What has brought us together are the many challenges the country is facing. UPND lacks the technical know how on how to reduce the price of mealie meal,”Mr  Kalaba said.



  1. Mr Kalaba, are you sure all the promises that UPND while in opposition made based on their 10 master plan manifesto has failed to be implemented – are you saying that all what they promised Zambians they have not achieved any? To be honest and upright as a former PF pride arrogance Minister of Foreign Affairs who resigned in Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s government citing rampant corruption just as your dear friend and brother Chishimba Kambwili complained that where did this Man called Edgar Changwa Lungu came from, also citing many corruption issues in PF and Lungu as President by then and! Yabaaaa Kuti waseka ati him Chishimba can’t even go back to PF because doing so is like selling his heart to the devil. Indeed he saw a Devil in ECL but he went back to the same devil and started worshiping and dining with him, though we have not heard him actively these days being a tribalist prisoner we don’t know how he is, so is you Mr. Pride, pompous arrogance kalaba. You resigned in PF because of corruption today You are with the corrupt ECL Lungu pretending to be saints, what a joke. A misplaced formula or equation which can not whatsoever give an accurate answer. The issue of that mine that PF government working with their friend and big supplier to the government MIKALILE wanted to mine in the lower Zambezi national park despite you kalaba giving a go ahead by signing some document, instructing ZEMA but when the issue was hot, you together with the group of PF crooks and their associates the likes of ntewewe were very vocal and with loud voices condemning HH yet the crooks were as usual in the wolves skin as snakes doing the wrongs. But Kwena! Bwafya paZ.

    And You are saying the New Dawn UPND and it’s Alliance Partners are a one term government did you vote for the UPND. Do you think the 1,800,000 voters ( 1.8 million voters and their families can listen to you). Try to count your votes in 2021 and going backwards to see if you are any March to HH and to be listened to by the masses?.

    Do you remember during your rally this year in Kitwe your partner Peter Sinkamba said or told the nation that starting a week after your rally you and him as a team will start employing more than 2,000,000 (2 million ) youths for ZNS jobs to be cultivating marijuana and alike how far have you gone, I think that was a promise you made kindly update the nation.

    Strictly speaking a normal person in society will not just sit back and make noise without doing anything and to wait for a K50 bag of meal meal. Yes others are even buying 5 kg bag of meal mill at K50.00 while farmers who cultivation this type of crop don’t even know the price of meal mill.though to the majority the economy which Lungu destroyed is bitting but it will be well. It’s just a matter of time some of the challenges can not even be blamed on UPND, it’s nature.

    But generally even if the 25 kg of meal mill is selling at between K230.00 and K350.00/K400.00
    The situation will in this line of thought improve. Otherwise their quite a number of promises that this government promised and has scored I can’t even count them but reasonable and wise people know this. You can cheat, exaggerate but the facts and the truth will not change and will remain so but for you, you not manage it will be back to the sender. Enjoy the freedom of speech and association which you were denied by your friends in UKWA BAG particularly Lungu

    HH a hard working PRESIDENT. God bless HH and his cabinet.

  2. It is is own fault.

    We voted for him to serve 2 terms, based on his promises.

    We will only give him one term, based on his performance so far.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Indigo Tryol cheeeee matakp yako iwe. You have just one PF vote which is too insignificant to upset tables in your favour Chimbwi iwe.

  3. Since the advent multipartisim in zambia from 1991 no government has been a one term government. That is just the way it is in Africa. It is very difficult for any incumbent who has all the state resources behind him to lose without finishing his two terms. And so it shall be with upnd.

  4. It’s wrong to assume people view things the way your interest directs you. Such a conclusive statement can seriously be a mismatch of the reality. You are only a few of disgruntled people whose interest is selfishness, an injury inflicted into us by the previous government and now our vomitus. Your good image has been strangled by the so called UKWA.

  5. Mr. Kalaba can continue the day dreaming, he is talking of experience, what experience is that? If he means UPND has no experience in stealing and corruption, we can agree. On making the mealie meal cheap, we have always said that, you can’t make anything cheap before you even produce it. How can you make it cheap when you don’t even have it? For example, we can make Copper cheap because we produce it but we can’t make oil cheap because we don’t produce it and we don’t have it. It’s not a secret that the last season was bad due to drought, otherwise farmers both commercial and subsistence were adequately prepared to produce a record bumper harvest which has never been witnessed before in this country. Automatically that should have been the starting point for reducing mealie meal prices. Actually the drought has been a blessing in disguise, as a country we now know that maize can be abundantly grown in all the Provinces of Zambia. The high rainfall north did very well as we saw in Northern, Muchinga, Luapula and Northwestern Provinces. Ask the economists, they will tell you that in economics, what reduces the prices is not a person like HH but the forces of supply and demand. The more abundant the commodity is on the market, the cheaper it is and vise versa, the more scarce the commodity is on the market, the more expensive it is. These are simple game rules and no one can change them. That’s why the same Economists are quiet because they know. So the President is leading the country in the right direction by supporting farmer support programmes. To insinuate that UPND is a one term party is self deceiving on your side, believe you me, HH will get more votes in 2026 than he got in 2021. There are no Zambians in Zambia who have resolved to vote UPND out, may be you need to rephrase your sentence. Contrary to your insinuations, I am one of the Zambians who is resolved to give HH another term.

    • Why would you give him another term?

      Because he is from your tribe? Surely that is not enough Citizen.

      Has he exceeded all your expectations ?

      So you knew in 2021 that ubunga would cost K500? Or that load shedding would last 18 hours per day? Or that these guys would be very corrupt? And you are very happy with that?

      Let us be serious for once.

      • Indigo Tryol ungayende ku Kariba ukatunde manzi to end loadshedding PF Chimbwi iwe. You are too petty and foolish at the same time

  6. Not at all, actually there are more reasons to give him another term that voting him out. The issue of the tribe does not even come in here. Tell me where he is going tomorrow, to handover KCM to Vedanta, not so? PF left all these mines in disaster but we have seen them reopening. The debt has been restructured, may be you don’t have children but us who have, our children are learning freely and are sitting on desks etc. All these and many more are some of the reasons to give him another term whether he is from my tribe or not, I am looking at Zambia and not the tribe or region.

  7. His performance has been average. Not to my expectations or rather to his campaign promises. But even then I’d still give him a benefit of doubt looking at how PF and Lungu led a collapsed system of governance. There was a total collapse in the rule of law.
    Us with relatives who worked for the councils witnessed upheavals of our loved ones going for 4 months without pay. Our police officers and soldiers were threatened by cadres and could be dismissed at will. Bus drivers and marketeers paid money to cadres instead of the council. If you didn’t support green then you’re out of the markets or bus stations. Lungu’s cabinet was predominantly from selected regions. That also happened in many other government departments and portfolios. Unless otherwise, we need leadership that will address these and other bad vices. Lungu should not come back because he’s full of hatred and vengeance. As much as we despised Levy Mwanawasa, his children didn’t benefit from the loot of the nation. How does Daliso acquire 70 cars+ filling station+ farms+ other assets in less than 7 years?
    Lungu’s relatives became extremely rich they had nowhere to keep the money safely. $400,000 to a niece and k65,000,000 could not be kept in our Banks

  8. Still talking about two promises that were valid in 2021. To day Can you bring down mealie meal to K50 and fuel to K12 honestly with this world crisis which was not in view in 2021? If the world calmness that characterized the period of 2021 campaign continued to day, it was going to be possible to bring down the cost of living…not this WORLDWIDE crazy time! Non of Kalaba clique can do that… whole world is in crisis with the cost of living going through the sky roof. ECL has said during BBC interview..” I want to come back to active Politics to SAVE my family from harassment”. didn’t you hear that? NOT to reduce the cost of living. Read the articles some upright thinking colleagues have written about efforts done by the government it is totally true. This is a sober government and working towards good for all NO segregative allocation of resources. Fighting hard to bring down cost of Mealie Meal but same Kalaba schemes are frustrating the plans by re-packaging K190 ZNS Mealie Meal and re-selling it at K300 or more just to substantiate their claims off high cost of Mealie Meal. Can’t talk of fuel that’s foreign topic we can’t handle. But you have heard of frantic and vigorous campaign to bring the cost down…watch the space! Did you hear: PF never used to pay for the fuel we were using that’s why they could FIX any price suitable NOT subsidized like they put it. Had they gone thru 2021elections by this time the Oil Marketing Countries (OMC) were ready to cut supply; meaning NO FUEL at all until the HUGE FUEL nkongole which UPND government is still struggling to pay now was cleared… imagine that!
    Then Kalaba and his clique are talking about UPND failure? Whaaat !? To bring back the old thieves. God forbid and over my dead body!


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