“It’s a tribally inclined clique that wants me out because I’ve closed all doors on corruption” Ngoma

Cracks in the ruling UPND Kanyama constituency have intensified with Chinika Ward 11 councillor Masausto Ngoma being at the centre of the latest debacle.

Councillor Ngoma was served with a suspension letter today by his Chinika Ward Committee who allege that he is, amongst a long list of other charges, conducting himself in a way that brings disrepute on the name of the party and party President, which may diminish the party’s fortunes in 2026.

However councillor Ngoma retorted that the suspension was ultra vires and does not hold any water because the Ward Committee under the party constitution, has no authority to suspend a sitting either from the party or council.

Ngoma has further charged that the disgruntled Ward officials are a tribally inclined clique of corrupt people who’ve never accepted his leadership in Kanyama as an easterner because he has closed all doors on corruption as guided by the Presidential directive on zero tolerance towards corruption and caderism.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

“It’s a tribally inclined clique that wants me out because I’ve closed all doors on corruption” Ngoma

Cracks in the ruling UPND Kanyama constituency have intensified with Chinika Ward 11 councillor Masausto Ngoma being at the centre of the latest debacle.

Councillor Ngoma was served with a suspension letter today by his Chinika Ward Committee who allege that he is, amongst a long list of other charges, conducting himself in a way that brings disrepute on the name of the party and party President, which may diminish the party’s fortunes in 2026.

However councillor Ngoma retorted that the suspension was ultra vires and does not hold any water because the Ward Committee under the party constitution, has no authority to suspend a sitting either from the party or council.

Ngoma has further charged that the disgruntled Ward officials are a tribally inclined clique of corrupt people who’ve never accepted his leadership in Kanyama as an easterner because he has closed all doors on corruption as guided by the Presidential directive on zero tolerance towards corruption and caderism.

Tuesday 30 July 2024


  1. Critically when you analyse the statement issued
    by Councillor Ngoma he is telling lies. Each time you hear people when they have issues and misunderstandings and are quick to allege that they have been victimised because of tribe do not believe them. The issue of tribe is nonsense and people should not be hiding and seeking sympathy on tribal lines. Can tribe put food on one’s table or can belonging to certain tribes change a person’s status? Issues of tribe are retrogressive and has contributed to under development because it breeds disunity and distrust among people. I don’t believe in tribal inclinations because it has not in anyway benefited me or will it ever benefit me. I believe in valuing each and every person as the creation of God Almighty. Tribal agenda was a tool that colonialists used to weaken and divide Africans. Thoughts of tribe superiority and inclinations has blinded a lot of people and selfish politicians including traditional leaders have used tribe to promote evil beliefs of promoting disunity and hatred. If tribal is sweet and beneficial all the people from Luapula, Northern and Muchinga provinces could have been rich when Fredrick Chiluba and Michael Chilufya Sata were presidents, equally people from Eastern Province could have had their lives improved when Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Rupiah Banda were presidents? In short, the notion of tribe inclination is a false fixation and has entangled people with false beliefs, wrong thinking and brought about mistrust, disunity, hatred and insecurity. Most people have been brainwashed by tribe thinking that tribe is important instead of valuing humanity and coexistence and love for one another.

  2. You people from Eastern are very fun, you support tribal parties which will never support you. That’s why Edgar Lungu lost in 2021 pantu ta mumfwa! All Tongas in Zambia voted for Hichilema, then why should Easterners vote for Hichilema when no Tonga voted for Edgar Lungu! Tongas are setting a good example , follow it.


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