By Chanoda Ngwira F

The continued arrests and persecution of opposition leaders under the New Dawn Government signal a deeply troubling trend that not only undermines democratic norms but also cultivates a toxic political environment in Zambia.

Prominent figures like Hon. GBM, Hon. Bowman Lusambo, Hon. Chilangwa, Mayor Chifumbe, and most recently Hon. Chitotela have been jailed in what appears to be an orchestrated campaign to silence dissent.

Such actions are not merely authoritarian, they represent a dangerous precedent that sets the stage for potential reckoning in the future. The insatiable hunger to suppress opposition voices only serves to escalate tensions and sow division among an already strained populace.

The UPND’s relentless offensive against political adversaries distracts from the pressing issues plaguing the nation, such as rampant tribalism and regionalism. As Zambians continue to grapple with socio-economic hardships, the government appears more consumed by vendetta than by solutions.

Jailing opposition leaders will not alleviate the calamities Zambians face, instead, it exacerbates the cycle of animosity and resentment. The people are yearning for constructive dialogue and meaningful reforms, yet the government remains entrenched in its bitterness, prioritizing repression over unity.

History has shown that political repression often leads to backlash. The New Dawn Government’s tactics could lead to an inevitable backlash, whereby the very architects of hostility will come to regret their actions. The heavy toll of their current path symbolized by a metaphorical open cheque, will inevitably be paid, as their attempts to entrench power through intimidation backfire.

Zambians demand leaders who genuinely represent their interests, not those who seek to quash dissent and entrench division. It is high time the UPND shifts focus from persecution to collaboration in order to heal the rifts within society and confront the real challenges facing the nation.

(Ngwira is a public Administrator, Teacher, Trade Union Expert, Writer, Politician, Consultant. Email: orisonconsult@gmail.com)


  1. As Zambians, we demand full accountability. All those who engaged in lawless acts under the notorious PF must be held to account. It is the only way of instilling discipline in the nation. Politicians must NOT be seen to be above the law. Indeed, they are not above the law.

    Those in power must know that we, the people, will not brook any nonsense. The bar is being set high. And about time too!

    • Ba JMC,

      Why is Hakainde not arresting those within his own party as well?

      The USA ambassador has been complaining about massive corruption under this government.

      The FIC report has told us that graft is now a lot worse than it was under PF.

      Everyday, we are hearing of corruption at ministries of health, education, local government etc. etc.

      Why is Hakainde only persecuting his enemies when his own people are reported as being thieves? Look at what happened to the gold scandal, case died quietly.

      Are you content with this selective justice?

      Remember that most patriots wanted PF to be brought to account, hence voting then out. But no single patriot voted for selective justice. We can not have a system where Zambezi dwellers and UPND affiliates are given blanket immunity to commit crimes. This is totally not acceptable, and you should not support this out of hatred for PF.

      Vote wisely in 2026.

      • Ba Indigo, I don’t think I have given any indication of tolerating selective justice by the UPND government in my post.

        What I abhor is this tendency by PF and their symphasisers to believe that the law doesnot apply to them.

        If UPND government officials are “misbehaving”, the law will equally catch up with them just like it has done with PF. I find it disturbing that you characterize my call for accountability as hatred for PF. Mr. Chitotela torched a vehicle (a very serious crime). Are you saying we should just wring our hands and move on? What kind of humanbeings do that?

        Wrongdoing must be punished in full regardless of the perpetrator.

      • @Indigo. I urge you to google the term, “whataboutism”. You always seem to deflect the ills of PF to UPND.
        Accountability is not selective. And no one is above the law.
        I want to draw your attention, to what we have been reading and see the power of critical analysis. The global fund audit brought out a factual occurance of “conflict of interest”. And for further aid to continue in Zambia, probably suggested accountablity. The President met with its leaders to better understand the facts. He read the audit, he probaly spoke to leaders at the Ministry of Health. You read what the PS said. He had declared his interest. He circumvented the law. But our regulations should be strengthened to deter even the thought. After the meeting we saw people being fired. Not transfered to Cabinet office but fired. I hope that further investigation will show that if there was criminality involved. These public officials will be prosecuted.
        There some issues we need to agree on as Zambians. And stop the partians rethroic. What we see as wrong enact laws against it. A Mr. Mwambazi who is Chair of Public Accounts Committee was reported to have recieved “business through his companies” from certain entities. He too was conflicted. What is he still doing heading PAC? Leaders are standard bearers of the law. But we look at the status of individuals and do not apply the law. This how Lungu and his cohorts denegrated the law.
        We say that should apply to all leaders. We can not talk about performance standards before we speak of moral conduct.

  2. He committed a very big Offence why do you talk about the UPND?

    The judgment is passed by the Court according to the offence.

    Ukwocha motoka intentionally then you think you can go scotch free? Then you start pointing at the government.

    It was bad. I was there it was bad! Not accused but slumped with right judgement.

    Sorry anyway he has to serve 10 years for being drunk with political power.

  3. So this fool wants criminals to continue terrorising the people of Zambia without the law taking it’s course? These are failed leaders who are only there to serve their bellies.

    Mr Ngwira, your sentiments are now on record for all to see. The enemies of law and order are identifying themselves.

  4. Mr. NGWIRA, did you know that God is Just because he does not only abhor sin but actually punishes it amicably. It is for this reason he said to be a Just God.

  5. Ba Ngwira, your moral bar must be extremely low, if there is even one at all. A criminal has to face justice. If those criminal characters you are referring to as prominent figures are your models then I would advise you to close shop – tantuleni!

  6. Mr. Ngwira I have always commented on the kind of person you and several PF supporters who have Lungu’s ear and therefore shape his outlook.
    Its not HH or the Zambian people that have imprisoned your man. Its the courts. The law prescobes how the courts act. So you want the laws to be set aside for Politicans? And the rest of us be subject to the law? Is that the appeal that made you choose what you do? That you can comit crimes and think you are so special that the law will not visit you?
    What about people that have lost loved ones. Killed, permanently injured by you members? They are less human? What kind of thinking is that? Those are just as human as you are!
    This kind of selfishness is what strikes me as worrying. When the Catholic myopically think that its ok for PF not to be held accountable for the ceiminality that they comitted. We are ALL subject to the law. NO ONE is above it.
    Sampa yesterday sue government over the Mopani issue. Do we hate Sampa? No! He in his opinion wants to hold government accountable. Yet you dont. Why? Please get your head out of the sand. Being a zealot that doesnt think is dangerous. The same kind of consequences that led to Chitotela to be imprisoned. Not only did now mess his life up, but his sibblings who looked up to him. Lets stop turning people into Demi Gods. Let the Church stick to its message of salvation, and not solicit “brown envelopes” or large offerings as a means to life. Priesthood is a calling like leadership. Be content with what God has given you. Lest you sin. Look where greed and sin has taken Chitotela.


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