A thief will never accept being a thief even when caught red-handed in the act. This is why we have courts to prove. No one expects Edgar Lungu to go on radio to admit that he acquired his wealth through corruption.

Edgar Lungu who has refused to have interviews with the local media, is busy trying to prove his innocence to the international media. Last time he bluntly lied to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) that he was under arrest. A fortnight ago he lied to the Voice of America (VoA) that he was a top notch lawyer before becoming President. It is public domain that Lungu was just a drunkard in Chawama before he was adopted as Member of Parliament under the Patriotic Front.

In 2010 Mr Lungu had his law practicing license suspended by the Law Association of Zambia for stealing a client’s money? These are facts on record. It is the so called topnotch lawyer who misled ministers to remain in office after the dissolution of Parliament. Edgar Lungu is a disgraced lawyer and a conman.

We challenge Mr Lungu to appeal to PF members of Parliaments to move a motion to remove his immunity so that he can prove his innocence in court. Lungu must be ashamed of admitting that he was using the office of Presidency to enrich his family and not to serve the people.

We are struggling with debt restructuring because a when topnotch lawyer was President he borrowed money and used the funds to enrich his family, friends and concubines.

It was under the so called topnotch lawyer (conman) that we saw a total breakdown on the rule of law. Cadres became more powerful that our men and women in uniform. Citizens were being retired in national interest based on ethnicity, citizens were gassed and the opposition political parties were suppressed.

Edgar Lungu has no shame to even appeal to President Hakainde Hichilema to restore law and order. Sometimes I feel this guy is not normal upstairs. Does he really think we have forgotten how he ruled this country? Maybe he is suffering from dementia.

Romeo Kangombe
Sesheke MP/Deputy Chairperson Mobilisation and strategy – UPND


  1. Edgar is not normal, he clearly needs medical attention. Does this guy have advisors? Most of the things he utters are embarrassing. He has completely undressed himself in public to the extent of complete loss of respect from the masses. It’s just by name that’s he’s the former head of state. Actually its already on record that he’s the worst ex-leader Zambia has witnessed and I can proudly say that Zambia will never ever have such a leader again in the near future. How does a former head of state become a cadre? Is this normal?

  2. Edgar is not normal, he clearly needs medical attention. Does this guy have advisors? Most of the things he utters are embarrassing. He has completely undressed himself in public to the extent of complete loss of respect from the masses. It’s just by name that’s he’s the former head of state. Actually its already on record that he’s the worst ex-leader Zambia has witnessed and I can proudly say that Zambia will never ever have such a leader again in the near future. How does a former head of state become a cadre? Is this normal?

      • Paragraph 1. “This is why we have courts to prove.” – wrong! It’s the presumption of innocence until one is proven guilty.

        ECL has not been tried and found guilty of the alleged offences.
        Kangombe is blind to this principle. Hakainde is innocent of plunder during the Chiliba’s privatisation of the mines etc, until proven guilty as well.

        I concede that no one expects Hakainde to go on radio to admit that he acquired his wealth through corruption as well.

        Paragraph 2. The media regardless of origin are not sources of judicial redress.
        In opposition Hakainde regularly appeared on the BBC, including the HardTalk programme to trash his country even appealed for the suspension of foreign aid to Zambia. How patriot of him!

        Lungu no longer leaves his home to jog, when he walks to any destination of choice well wishers and supporters aren’t expected to cheer or greet him. This “offends” the Gestapo-style POA, driving anywhere, stopping to pay courtesy calls on friends,etc require Gestapo permission.The list is endless.

        Each word in the King’s English has a purpose. ECL never said he was under house arrest! He said he was VIRTUALLY under arrest. There’s a huge difference between these two statements.- Where is the lie here?

        The rest about ECL can be said about our top notch economist President who’s running the economy of Zambia down. People in the Zambezi provinces are virtual captives they dare not complain about this catastrophe,compared to the rest of their brethren in the remaining provinces! They complain and are now getting arrested for sedition or treason.
        Economic policies to develop Zambia have been relegated to the archives and enter oppressive Gestapo programmes to perpetuate the regime!
        Kangombe thinks using the gab will improve the lives of his constituents.

        Paragraph 4. No judicial cases, LAZ decision references all glaring absent.Allegations are therefore unsubstatiated.

        Paragraph 6.The procedure to propose to abolish presidential immunity after leaving office is laid out in Constitution. Mr Kangombe is an ignoramus on this point. Poor finishing bacembele!

        Paragraph 7.”Bally will Fix It”- What a load of malarkey!
        Stop wasting government time on revenge schemes, finger poonting and retribution vendettas and BallyFix the economy,twapenga, including the Zambezi provinces!!
        Top-notch economist president – wake-wakey!

        Paragraph 8. UPND cadres run the Gestapo,Hate crime offences for protection of Zambezi province natives only.There is capture of the judiciary, parliament, government institutions,parastatals including the ECZ, the police,all by the Executive! Separation of powers of governance out of the window!
        What are you left with? Lawless Government, government of laws- now only a distant memory bo Bizak!
        I rest my case! You think I’m a rabbai for nothing?
        Judge for your self.
        Kangombe fails to cut the mustard. Sack him!!

      • Paragraph 1. “This is why we have courts to prove.” – wrong! It’s the presumption of innocence until one is proven guilty.

        ECL has not been tried and found guilty of the alleged offences.
        Kangombe is blind to this principle. Hakainde is innocent of plunder during the Chiliba’s privatisation of the mines etc, until proven guilty as well.

        I concede that no one expects Hakainde to go on radio to admit that he acquired his wealth through corruption as well.

        Paragraph 2. The media regardless of origin are not sources of judicial redress.
        In opposition Hakainde regularly appeared on the BBC, including the HardTalk programme to trash his country even appealed for the suspension of foreign aid to Zambia. How patriot of him!

        Lungu no longer leaves his home to jog, when he walks to any destination of choice well wishers and supporters aren’t expected to cheer or greet him. This “offends” the Gestapo-style POA, driving anywhere, stopping to pay courtesy calls on friends,etc require Gestapo permission.The list is endless.

        Each word in the King’s English has a purpose. ECL never said he was under house arrest! He said he was VIRTUALLY under arrest. There’s a huge difference between these two statements.- Where is the lie here?

        The rest about ECL can be said about our top notch economist President who’s running the economy of Zambia down. People in the Zambezi provinces are virtual captives they dare not complain about this catastrophe,compared to the rest of their brethren in the remaining provinces! They complain and are now getting arrested for sedition or treason.
        Economic policies to develop Zambia have been relegated to the archives and enter oppressive Gestapo programmes to perpetuate the regime!
        Kangombe thinks using the gab will improve the lives of his constituents.

        Paragraph 4. No judicial cases, LAZ decision references all glaring absent.Allegations are therefore unsubstatiated.

        Paragraph 6.The procedure to propose to abolish presidential immunity after leaving office is laid out in Constitution. Mr Kangombe is an ignoramus on this point. Poor finishing bacembele!

        Paragraph 7.”Bally will Fix It”- What a load of malarkey!
        Stop wasting government time on revenge schemes, finger poonting and retribution vendettas and BallyFix the economy,twapenga, including the Zambezi provinces!!
        Top-notch economist president – wake-wakey!

        Paragraph 8. UPND cadres run the Gestapo,Hate crime offences for protection of Zambezi province natives only.There is capture of the judiciary, parliament, government institutions,parastatals including the ECZ, the police,all by the Executive! Separation of powers of governance out of the window!
        What are you left with? Lawless Government, government of laws- now only a distant memory bo Bizak!
        I rest my case! You think I’m a rabbai for nothing?
        Judge for your self.
        Kangombe fails to cut the mustard. Sack him!!

  3. Edgar Lungu akashala, mu kachula because of your hatred. Do you ever listen to what people are saying about Upnd? Just wait, your hatred and vengefulness will rebound back to you. The God of Abraham will soon free the people of Zambia from all this vengefulness! Edgar should be insulted just because he has said the truth on BBC and VoA. Mukachula. Your time is coming. Biggest problem is you are too tribal.

  4. Edgar Lungu akashala, mu kachula because of your hatred. Do you ever listen to what people are saying about Upnd? Just wait, your hatred and vengefulness will rebound back to you. The God of Abraham will soon free the people of Zambia from all this vengefulness! Edgar should be insulted just because he has said the truth on BBC and VoA. Mukachula. Your time is coming. Biggest problem is you are too tribal.

  5. It’s not even an allegation!
    It’s a fact!
    Is it not true that he stole money from a widow?
    Is it not true that LAZ convicted him of theft and professional misconduct?
    Is it not true that his Law practicing license was grabbed from him?
    This is how careless and reckless Zambians can be!
    Which such a past record, ECL stands no chance of running for any public office.
    He went from robbing widows to robbing an entire nation … kikikiki

  6. It’s not even an allegation!
    It’s a fact!
    Is it not true that he stole money from a widow?
    Is it not true that LAZ convicted him of theft and professional misconduct?
    Is it not true that his Law practicing license was grabbed from him?
    This is how careless and reckless Zambians can be!
    Which such a past record, ECL stands no chance of running for any public office.
    He went from robbing widows to robbing an entire nation … kikikiki

  7. Truth pains.
    It is true a thief refuses to admit even when caught red handed.
    Ba Lungu is just exposing himself out and at the end shall regret on as to why didn’t I just kept away from active politics.
    It’s true, we all know that most of PF close to him have secretly connected to him nor wonder they’re not taken to court because of the immunity ECL has. Many indicators of theft by many government officials are pointing at ba ECL

  8. Truth pains.
    It is true a thief refuses to admit even when caught red handed.
    Ba Lungu is just exposing himself out and at the end shall regret on as to why didn’t I just kept away from active politics.
    It’s true, we all know that most of PF close to him have secretly connected to him nor wonder they’re not taken to court because of the immunity ECL has. Many indicators of theft by many government officials are pointing at ba ECL

  9. Truth pains.
    It is true a thief refuses to admit even when caught red handed.
    Ba Lungu is just exposing himself out and at the end shall regret on as to why didn’t I just kept away from active politics.
    It’s true, we all know that most of PF close to him have secretly connected to him nor wonder they’re not taken to court because of the immunity ECL has. Many indicators of theft by many government officials are pointing at ba ECL. If he can stay away from politics he will gain respect.

  10. Truth pains.
    It is true a thief refuses to admit even when caught red handed.
    Ba Lungu is just exposing himself out and at the end shall regret on as to why didn’t I just kept away from active politics.
    It’s true, we all know that most of PF close to him have secretly connected to him nor wonder they’re not taken to court because of the immunity ECL has. Many indicators of theft by many government officials are pointing at ba ECL. If he can stay away from politics he will gain respect.

  11. You are right honourable Kang’ombe.President Lungu “alebomba mwibala nokulya mwibala. Talelila kumo nembuto iyo,” going by his confession. That is why they were even overpricing tenders and supplying air.

    He thought and seems to still thinks it was acceptable to deep their fingers into the national treasury without shame.

  12. You are right honourable Kang’ombe.President Lungu “alebomba mwibala nokulya mwibala. Talelila kumo nembuto iyo,” going by his confession. That is why they were even overpricing tenders and supplying air.

    He thought and seems to still thinks it was acceptable to deep their fingers into the national treasury without shame.


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