KBF accepts President Edgar LUNGU’s call for the opposition to band together in the fight to preserve and protect the country’s democracy.


  1. 1 + -100 the answer is what basangwapo opportunist KBF knows, who doesn’t expect this response from those who hoped to be appointed by HH after shamelessly coming to the table after others had prepared the meal?

  2. Another failed politician, even if you banded together, you won’t achieve anything, HH is miles away from your cheap politics, you can’t fit in his shoes.

  3. Zambia has moved on.We do not want to go
    Back to caderism.You can team up but we
    Are not ready to listen to any more of your
    Old tricks.

  4. Article 106 of the Constitution of Zambia, reading from part 3 is very clear!
    It means ECL should be arrested for making a false declaration on the Declaration form which asks a presidential candidate to make a declaration that they have not been twice elected as President!
    Anyone who has been elected President Twice or SWORN TWICE as President is not eligible for re-election to the same office!
    If we can’t respect the Supreme Law of the Land, then we can as well amend the Constitution and provide only one 5 year term! We should do the same for MPs and all other Constitutional Offices – ONE TERM ONLY for everyone so that other citizens have their chance also to govern!

  5. Chikubabe, your comprehensive literacy is very basic! You must have under-performed a lot academically.ECL’s party presidency ends in 2026. Someone else will replace him.A rainbow candidate from the alliance will contend for the Republican Presidency. Clear?

    • English is for communication, and not how its spoken. For you to reply to him you have heard what he meant and that’sthe sole purpose of any other language world over. If you want to be correcting English find a school to teach and mark English.

  6. The coming back of ECL back into politics has nothing to serve the national but personal interests to have protect his criminal activities he did when in power. He knows and has heard that the Govt is slowly closing on his previous economic theft. So advise other oppositions to stand on their own and give alternative ideas as opposed to team up for sakeof removing UPND. Suppose that happens then they waste time fighting for positions and favour at the expense of development. PF stood on its own in opposition before forming Govt. UPND was on its before winning elections except with very fragile alliances. I would rather move on with UPND rather than going back to PF under ECL or oppositions who come together with no manifesto except to remove a ruling part.


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