VIDEO: KBF responds to media reports indicating that he would rather work with UPND than UKA



  1. He did well to clear the air.In our country there is a new culture of lies,false hood spreading fake rumours.And there are a good number of people who are great consumers of this and they cherish lies and they are conduits of this malaise.Mwamba is one of the liars,Fred is one of them Mwanza has got funny sweet talk kind of lies too.One amazing thing is even educated people can fall pray of this, for example if you talk of climate change you know it’s effects on agriculture and economy,on environment and many more now how can a normal person laugh at promises HH made on reducing price of mealiemeal when he was in opposition and there was rain .Yes he did promise but the rains failed us.He encouraged people to become farmers of maize and a lot did that including civil servants and hairdressers, maize failed at a certain stage when a dry spell hit several regions of our country.And on the issue of having sold maize, it is well known that farmers were waiting for the money from FRA for the maize they supplied so where was the money going to come from if the maize was not sold?This is our country Zambia.The wrong will throw missiles of lies and we shall continue throwing patriotic missiles of truth to counteract.


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