VIDEO: Pastor Dan Pule Preaching Tribalism Instead Of Salvation Just To Please Edgar Lungu


May 29, 2024 – Police in Lusaka have charged and arrested Dan Pule, 70, of New Kasama in Lusaka for one count of Expressing Hate speech based on tribe and one count of Seditious Practices.

Dr. Pule has been detained in custody waiting for court appearance.
Meanwhile, Police have officially charged and arrested Lumezi Member of Parliament Munir Zulu and his Mfuwe Constituency counterpart Maureen Mubonga for the offences of Expressing Hate speech based on tribe and Seditious Practices while Edith Nawakwi and Brebner Changala have each been charged with the offence of Seditious Practices.

All the suspects are detained in Police custody waiting to appear in court.

Danny Mwale
Deputy Police Public Relations Officer S

Police Denying Visits to Punish Political Detainees


This afternoon, Police denied entry into Woodlands Police Station Presidents; Wright Musoma-ZRP, Peter Chanda-NCP, Saboi Imboela-NDC, Jackson Silavwe-GPZ and the ULP Vice President.

Family members, friends, lawyers, doctors have also been denied entry at Kabwata Police Station, Ibex Hill Police Station, Lusaka Central Police and Chelstone Police Station where human rights activist and opposition political figure are in police custody.

Sources within the Police Service have confirmed that they are under instructions from Statehouse and the Police Command not allow visitors, including family members from visiting high profile political detainees as a way to punish them.

Six Police officers at Woodlands Police Station where manning the gate to ensure that no one visits Apostle Dan Pule who has been charged with sedition.

Silavwe Jackson
Chairperson Commmuications
United Kwacha Alliance-UKA


  1. Our investigative wings are full of cowards who cannot take on the UPND for their wrongs of tribal remarks and hate speech. What they do not realize is that their lack of objectivity and impartiality in the discharge of their duties will lead to a very good number of them losing jobs with a change of government. Our police, ACC and DEC are so comprised that they will require a complete overhaul with a change of government for them to again operate professionally.

  2. Dan Pule cannot surprise anyone for those foolish utterances because him and his fellow haters have been against HH even before he came into power. Those who can still remember, in May, 2020, an article was published where he said that After a week of dry fasting, God had shown him that a leader of the biggest opposition party will die before 2021 elections. So what appointments had HH made that time when he was still in opposition? And his fellow haters were quiet as if they never heard him. This old man is evil, he is just an apostle of politics and not God. If it some people, they could even have sued him. Count how many people had joined HH at one time or another, they are many, Edith Nawakwi, Miles Sampa, Mulenga Sata, Chishimba Kambwili, GBM are some of them. They left on theIr own because they believed that HH will never win any election to become the president of Zambia. Some were heard vowing that; as long as I live, HH will never be the president of Zambia. Even his own relatives like Greyford Monde, Richwel Siamunene, Robby Chizyuka, Highvie Hamududu left him. His own cousins like Sakwiba Sikota, Richard Kapita, Given Lubinda, Charles Kakoma and many others all left him. Now that he is the president, can he start appointing the same people who abandoned him just for the sake of balancing tribes? That can’t happen. People like CT, former CS Commission Chairperson left on their own. Some people are on record for their own reasons saying that, me I cannot work with a Tonga. So what do you want HH to do? You keep on blaming him for your own problem. Suppose these names I have mentioned had remained in the alliance, could he not have appointed them like he did to Charles Milupi, Felix Mutati and others? If anything HH has tried to bring on board everyone from all the tribes of Zambia and we commend him for that. If he had only looked at people who worked with him, his government could have been full of people from Zambezi Provinces because they were the majority among those who remained with him. Few days ago, Mumbai Phiri was mentioning some names in the ND government claiming that they were their people but HH still appointed them to big positions, and they are working happily. This is something PF cannot do or could not do. HH means well for this country, allow him to develop and unite it, God has brought him for that purpose.

  3. May the Queens language is very difficult for some people to understand, Pator Dan Pule is not preaching any tribalism in this video, hes appealing to Hichilema and his Upnd to stop practicing tribalism. That’s all. You may think you are very clever now because you are controlling the police, but time will come when police will not be controlled by Upnd, and please don’t come and cry foul, because the victimization you are busy doing on the opposition will be done to you as well! So you will reap what you are sowing! Bembas say akatanshi taka lila , akalila kaleke lesha! Just wait!

  4. Is faking a prophecy that HH will die before 2021 elections telling UPND to stop tribalism? What tribalism was UPND doing that time? People should learn to fear and to respect the law and not HH.


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