Neither the UPND Secretariat or State House had anything to do with the PF Convention that elected Miles Sampa as party president – Cornelius Mweetwa
Neither the UPND Secretariat or State House had anything to do with the PF Convention that elected Miles Sampa as party president – Cornelius Mweetwa
You think you are telling children. You regret for these devilish things you are doing because Zambians are just disgusted. All the planning for all that was being done and is still being done from state house. The whole thing was funded from state house to pay those poor dull youths who attended that illegal so called convention. If the youths of today are the ones who were there fighting for Independence of this country, we would not have got Independence because they are easily bought with a few Kwachas, a valueless Kwacha for that matter. Anyway Upnd and all involved will pay heavily for all these sins they are committing , it’s a matter of time. As for Upnd it will disappear very fast because it’s a tribal party. And in future when Zambians reject some people on account of their origins don’t complain because Zambians have now seen for themselves.
Ba Mandanda, you have a long grieving period before you. Most Zambians have no issues with the tribe of whoever is president as was proven in the last elections, but for you it seems to be a major deciding factor.
Your blundering PF brought this confusion upon itself and in typical PF style, they donot want to accept responsibility. How do you go for over two years without a party president? Nature abhors a vacuum.
While you were busy playing your “alebwelelapo” games, the country had moved on. You can’t say it was State House which stopped you from holding a convention to elect new office bearers. All leaders of the moribund PF are appointees and you expected things to be quiet. Wake up ba Mandanda!!