WE HAD LITTLE CHOICE…than IMF way, but the Fund can’t develop Zambia for us – Col Panji Kaunda

Panji Kaunda

WE HAD LITTLE CHOICE…than IMF way, but the Fund can’t

develop Zambia for us – Panji

By Christopher Miti

COLONEL Panji Kaunda says Zambia has no any other choice other than the International Monetary Fund way.

And Col Panji says if government does not reorganise the agricultural sector, then the country will not go very far.

In an interview, Col Panji said the promises of the new dawn government had given an encouragement to the IMF.

“There was no choice. It was like being on a rock and hard ground whichever way you fall, you get hurt. When you go to the IMF you need to tighten your belts and take the pill. So really, I think we had little choice. Other than to go the IMF way, there was no other way,” he noted. “I am sure even the PF wanted to go the IMF but because of the conditions of the economy, they were unable to come to an agreement. I am sure the promises of the new dawn government have given an encouragement to the IMF.”

Col Panji said the IMF move was good instead of just to keep quiet and hoping that everything will be okay on its own.

“As Zambians, we just have to work hard because the IMF cannot develop Zambia for us. Even if they can give us millions of dollars or whatever it is, unless we Zambians put our back into this country… We need to work hard wherever you are, whether you are a journalist or farmer, we need to bring our country back to normal. Whatever conditions are there in the IMF deal, we must bear with government and work with them,” he said.

And Col Panji said the Farmer Input Support Programme should be revisited.

“Our government should look into agriculture policies. If we don’t reorganise the agriculture sector, we shall not go very far. In my view the FISP programme was designed to help the less privileged people to have access to inputs and marketing,” he said. “Again, the other
arrangement was that after three years of support from government, the beneficiaries are supposed to be phased out and bring in the new ones. But currently, it’s almost the same people that started FISP that are benefiting.”

Col Panji said just like the fuel subsidy, the government was spending a lot of money on FISP.

“In my view, we must relook at this programme. We should see to it that the people that are receiving FISP are the ones that are targeted
for. Secondly, there are many farmers who do not access FISP. The government should put in place institutions like Lima bank where farmers could go and borrow with less interest,” he said. “Government should look at a positive way of subsidising a farmer than to give them free inputs.”

Col Panji said the government should make the bank accessible by poor farmers.

“Farmers should be able to go to this bank, borrow and pay back. This will help people to develop their agriculture otherwise we are going to continue talking about potential until God knows when,” he warned. “We have water and land. Agriculture must be the mainstay of the development of this country. We have got a President who is a farmer and I am sure
he understands this.”

Col Panji said the government should look at FISP the same way it looked at the fuel subsidy and put in place something that would benefit everybody in the country.


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