By Chomba Kaoma


Some time in 2020, Hon Miles Sampa while serving as Lusaka Mayor introduced me to some Gentleman called Simon Mwewa Chitambala. At that time I was a big fun of Mr Mwewa’s keep Zambia clean campaign, to me the Man was too patriotic and proud of what he did to Raise awareness on cleanliness.

A week after Hon Miles Sampa’s wedding, I got a call from Mr Mwewa inviting me to Simoson. Later that afternoon I drove to Simoson building to meet Mr Chitambala. As usual I received a warm welcome and the man ushered me in his office were we discussed a lot of progressive things.

After close to an hour I requested to leave, on our way out Mr Chitambala complained to me on how the Councilor and cadres from city market and intercity were harassing and insulting him over the car park in front of Simoson which he claimed ownership. My good brother graciously asked me to help settle the dispute and After listening to his side I promised to escalate the matter and find a lasting solution between him the counselor and the cadres.

Later that evening I had a meeting with President Lungu, as we walked out of his office I decided to share with him Mr Mwewa’s issue. after my narration the President tasked me to make sure that all the culprits that were harassing Mr Mwewa were reported to the police. Little did I know that the President shared a good and warm relationship with Mwewa family.

The following Morning I met the inspector General of police and we discussed the matter at length and through his instructions the councilor and the cadres were seriously warned through Lusaka Division police HQ that should they repeat the same thuggery acts of harassing Mr Mwewa Police would move in and Arrest all of them.

Two days later I reported back to Mr Chitambala on how the issue was settled and to his amusement he even invited me for Dinner at a nice Chinese Restaurant in long Acres. My brother was so happy with my Intervention he even sent me a ka something for fuel. Shockingly after 2021 elections my brother started disrespecting PF leaders including my self evening calling me all sorts of names.

Anyway lesa Alemipala!!


  1. This article a lot of data is missing. So this baKaoma is he another like Matero Dr zooman? Meeting with the president just like that then immediately posing with the then PIG in his office just for the simoson carpark issue with PF cadres elo palast babikamo na Lesa, shooooooo!!!!!!

  2. So this guy has exposed himself as having been above board just because of connections with lungu. He even had the audacity to tell the IG what to do. These are the pipo who stole together with lungu through dubious deals and overpriced contracts which they got through the same connections.


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