Government says utterances by former President EDGAR LUNGU that there could be change of Government before 2026 are illegal and border on criminality.

Chief Government spokesperson CORNELIUS MWEETWA says the Government also finds the statement inflammatory, careless and irresponsible.

Speaking at a media engagement today, Mr. MWEETWA said the Government is carefully studying the remarks delivered at Dunamis Church yesterday by the former President.

He said President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA was lawfully and democratically elected by Zambians and any attempts to assert a probable removal of a lawfully elected President is unconstitutional.

Mr. MWEETWA said Government has noted with concern the heightened political rhetoric aimed at sowing seeds of discontent in the country for the selfish purpose of gaining cheap political mileage and visibility.

He said the Government is equally aware that Mr. LUNGU wants to take advantage of the cost of fuel, load shedding and mealie meal prices for political expediency.

Mr. MWEETWA said the current economic situation is well appreciated by citizens.

He has urged the nation to remain calm in the midst of negative statements being issued by the former President.



  1. nothing new here all opposition leaders including the current president have made this statement before. why don’t you tell us the plans to mitigate loadshedding and the rise in basic food prices that’s what’s of concern not government and your ecl-pf obsession. put the people first…

  2. There is nothing Illegal about calling for a constitutional early change of government before 5 years.
    Edgar Lungu has all the rights to call for early elections.. Hakainde is on record as calling for not only elections , but he never even recognized Edgar Lungu as President of Zambia, and never referred to him as President.
    Don’t waste people’s time with Malabishi Press Conferences on Edgar Lungu..We are tired.
    And those distorted Screaming headlines on National Media such as the sick Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, and ZNBC which all seem to have become appendages of the Rogue Koswe , will destroy this country…the inflammatory distortions they are peddling are a recipe for disaster..
    We don’t want Malabishi politics in Zambia..Since you came into power it has just been Malabishi politics and governance… Stealing political Parties, Holding Sham Elections, degenerative Disorders in the various arms of government , Decay of Professionalism in Government Institutions…and that Police!
    Show me a Zambian who wouldn’t want early elections, and I will show you a sick mind..and I haven’t talked about the failures in other spheres….just Malabishi politics and governance.

  3. I was expecting this as early as today morning. This our useless government is good at spending money to address Lungu movements and hire analysts to digest Lungu’s utterances. Shame. Every month we have a price increase in basic commodities these idiots spare no time to address that. Instead Lungu is their priority. How primitive.

  4. Nothing illegal here!
    HH made the same statement while in opposition.
    The only difference is PF handled the situation more intelligently than the way UPND is doing right now!
    Doesn’t UPND know that silence is a more intelligent response for a fool?
    Ba Cornelius, don’t you have better things to study than ECL?
    Shouldn’t you be studying how to reduce the cost of living and reducing the number of hours of loadshedding?
    Why are you suddenly having sleepless nights?

  5. “He said the Government is equally aware that Mr. LUNGU wants to take advantage of the cost of fuel, load shedding and mealie meal prices for political expediency.”
    Let him take advantage! Work on reducing those things and everyone will ignore Lungu, period!
    “MWEETWA said the current economic situation is well appreciated by citizens.”
    Which citizens?


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