Wynter Kambimba and Father Frank Bwalya ran away from Fred Mmembe due to dictatorial tendencies- Miles  Sampa



By Miles B. Sampa, MP

The Registrar of Societies should move on the Socialist Party for failure to comply with the dictates of the Zambian constitution which states that all political parties should be democratic and hold periodic internal elections for leaders and office bearers.

This Socialist Party (SP) since its formation some 6 years ago or so has never ever held any internal gathering to elect office bearers or leaders. They have a self imposed leader Mr Fred Mmembe as President and then he appoints willy nilly other individuals like his personal friend Dr Musumali as Secretary General and no other member has ever had a chance to vie for these positions through an election.

If Fred Mmembe cannot show any semblance of democracy in the Socialist party, then morally he should have no space talking about so called ‘democratic space ‘ in the Country because he does not believe in democracy but tinpot dictatorship.

Fred Membe should therefore be the last to give orders to President to remove one leader of PF and replace with another one. In any case which articles of the Zambian or PF constitution avails those powers to an incumbent President to do that to a political party that he is not a member of?

The powers the President of Zambia has are to ensure full adherence by all to dicates of the Zambian constitution. These powers around political parties are vested in his Minister of Home Affairs Jack Mwimbu to ensure that all political parties hold periodic internal elections and those that fail to, he also has powers to deregister them.
All his predecessors executed this role very well.

So having held the general conference last year, the PF is guaranteed not to be deregistered in the score atleast next 5 years. As for the SP, nikuno twangala naba HH, otherwise if it was Museveni in Uganda, SP would have long been deregistered for failing to hold a convention to elect leaders. Fred Membe would have even been in jail for breaking the national constitution and imposing himself as a leader of a party when no one elected him to that position.

No wonder Wynter Kambimba and Father Bwalya ran away from him due to dictatorial tendencies.The Registrar of Societies should do its mandatory job.r



  1. Is it really sound law to make the state interfere with how private clubs run their affairs? If there are no complaints from the general membership, why should the state interfere? Citizens should be free to run citizens’ groups the way they deem fit. Let the Socialist Party get on with it.

  2. But Miles HaaSampa is forgetting that his sponsor Hakainde is a full blown dictator in his party, with no one allowed to challenge him. Now he wants to adopt the same model as republican president.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  3. The point is that respecting and prioritizing the need to have internal democratic elections is a process which should not be compromised. It is a fundamental issue. It speaks volumes of the stlyle and character of leadership qualities of the political leader.

    Futher, how can we trust a non democratic political party.

    Given the opportunity to run the affairs of the whole country they will violate our National Constitution to fit their personal agendas.

    This is a very wise observation and every sober voter needs to pay particular interest and attention to such anomalies.

  4. If this provision in the constitution was to be strickly applied, most, if not all, opposition parties would be de-registered. When did the vocal Nawakwi’s FDD have their last convention? Sean Tembo’s PeP? Dan Pule’s Christian Party? Msoni’s whatever? All fall short of the constitutional requirement.

    Maybe it is better to let sleeping dogs lie.

    • @JMC, you are assuming an ideal situation. Either way, manipulators will take advantage and sponsor confusion in the parties. We saw how Kilometer Sampa organized a convention and declared himself President and the Registrar of Societies and Parliament recognized him. Next someone in any of these political parties will wakeup and sue that there is no internal democracy and request the courts or ECZ to have their party deregistered or barred from participating in any political activity.

  5. Aba nabo aba sebana kale, teti bekale fye! Kwaliba uku ifwika bu president nangula bu bishop! It’s the people who see first ati wali kwata amano and then install you. Nomba if you get akafulo ka party dubiously, who is going to entrust you with governance of the country! Iwe ninshi chapwa, ichalo chakupwila! Miles Hisampa has no future in Zambian politics let try playing draft!


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