Zambia-DRC Sign Agreements


Zambia-DRC Sign Agreements

Republican President Hakainde Hichilema writes…

We were honoured to have hosted President of the Democratic Republic Congo His Excellency Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo at the occasion of the official signing of the Zambia – DRC Cooperation Agreement on the Establishment of a Value Chain in the Electric Vehicle and Clean Energy Sectors.

Zambia and the DRC are both well endowed in the production of high grade copper and cobalt that is further complimented by rich deposits of manganese, nickel, phosphorus and iron.

The complimentarity of the the resource endowments of our two great nations is well able to support the emergence of robust value chains across a host of manufacturing sectors such as batteries, electric cars and the renewable energy sector.

Our focus is job creation for the people of our two countries through economic diversification, job and wealth creation for the economic and social transformation of our citizens.

We therefore challenged the academia and research institutions of our two nations to provide a leading role in the provision of knowledge and evidence based results to support policy formulation and industry needs.

We also called upon the business community of our two countries to take a keen interest and consider participating in this ground breaking to establish a value chain in the electric battery and clean energy sector.

Using the PPDF, we invite private sector to fully examine this and the other MoUs
we have signed to take advantage of business opportunities. This particular MOU will also give opportunities to small scale artisan miners. This is the best time to formalize yourselves. We don’t just sign; we get things done too.

God bless Zambia! God bless DRC!

Hakainde Hichilema
President of the Republic of Zambia


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