Kennedy Kamba

KENNEDY Kamba says Zambia is safer in PF hands than in those of any other political party.

Kamba, the Lusaka Province PF chairman, charges that some political parties have sold out to foreign interests, hence they would not serve Zambians if they formed government.

“Zambia is safe in the hands of the ruling PF that has demonstrated true patriotism to the country and its people through an all-inclusive governance system that does not want to leave any Zambian behind,” he said in a statement. “Fortunately, Zambians know who is who in this election and will definitely vote for President Edgar Lungu and his progressive leadership. We want to appeal to Zambians as the PF, the party that has driven the pro-poor agenda to reject these selfish politicians to protect the future of this country from outside vultures that want to loot the country’s resources through dirty deals.”

Kamba alleged that some political parties had cut deals with foreign financiers whom they have promised to give business once they are in government.

“It is sad to discover that opposition political leaders contesting this year’s general elections have gotten huge sums of money from their foreign friends and business partners under the pretext that they will win and in turn facilitate businesses for them,” Kamba added. “We ask Zambians to be wary of these desperate politicians in the opposition who do not mean well for this country apart from pushing their narrow and selfish interests. Given chance, most of these desperate political party leaders are willing to sell Zambia to the highest bidder as long as they takeover government power.”

He further charged that some political parties were not there for service but business interests.

Kamba also accused the opposition of being desperate to be in government.

“Most of these political leaders want to come into power not because they want to offer a service but because of the funding they are busy getting secretly from abroad and the money has serious conditions attached that Zambians must be wary of,” said Kamba. “Most of these politicians being in that political space is a matter of survival and enriching themselves and their families. They are getting money from abroad and they are using Zambia as collateral, as a bargaining chip. Zambia cannot progress with the crop of desperate political leaders that want to get government power by whatever possible means.”


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