Zambians Are Now Eating In Funerals Due To High Cost Of Living – Mwenya*


*Zambians Are Now Eating In Funerals Due To High Cost Of Living – Mwenya*

*New Era Democratic Party President Exildah* Mwenya noted with great concern the economic hardships the Zambian people are facing due to fake and unfilled promise of the UPND lead administration.

Mrs Mwenya said that after visiting so many communities across the country it is undeniable fact that the Zambian people can nolonger continue wallowing in poverty yet Zambia is blessed with all mineral resources that can be used to alleviate poverty from our land.

Speaking at a joint press briefing yesterday, Mrs Mwenya said many of the promises made by HH and UPND has so far been only mare dreams and nothing more. Some of the failed campaign promises made by this UPND noted by the president are in education, agriculture, economic hardships, mining and so on.

“Our country is faced with the worst economy challenge which is unprecedented never seen in this country.”

President Exildah Mwenya encouraged the Zambian people to wake up and turn out in Numbers and vote out the UPND in 2026.


  1. “Our country is faced with the worst economy challenge which is unprecedented never seen in this country.”

    Why? And how do you address the situation?
    When addressing the situation what is your vision? HH has his for Zambians what is yours?
    Its easy to be critical but what do have to offer?

    • Eating at funerals started during Kenneth Kaunda’s time in government. I do not know what Ms Mwenya is talking about. She clearly does not understand urban poverty in Zambia.

  2. This somewhat shotgun approach to issues without even suggesting a single solution is not helpful. Need I say more? She has automatically joined the queue of failed Zambian politicians. It is sad that Zambia has a dearth of politicians worthy writing home about. Let’s try to reduce on this political comedy.

  3. And vote who in? You jokers? Traditionally we feast at funerals as our way of mourning with a bereaved family. The food served at funerals these days is buffets fit for a king. So how is it that Zambians are eating at funerals food fit for kings? Where is the sudden resources to provide such coming from if Zambian cannot afford to eat 3 meals? This lady and her cohorts represent no one. They have money to hire places for their press outbursts but are telling us Zambians cannot afford to eat 3 meals? Which Zambians? What is the standard of measure of these 3 meals? I grew up in the village and it was always 2 meals, porridge for breakfast, local tradition drink carried to the fields for lunch and dinner that’s all.

  4. Having hosted a funeral recently, I can attest to that!
    In this expensive Economy, the last thing you want is to be overburdened with ideas of feeding the community. And most of those who come are just coming to eat, contributing nothing! In some situations, Junkies come and take over the pots and once you dare try to restore order, all hell breaks loose.
    All these are symptoms of the hunger situation in the country!
    Our Malnutrition wards are again filling up with Malnourished children some of whom have unfortunately died. Just go to the Malnutrition wards at UTH and see the resurgence of Malnutrition!
    Malnutrition is a key indicator of the nutrition situation in the country!
    I get worried with the rhetoric from our current leaders when they give false assurances that no one will die of hunger. Do they know or understand what they are saying or they are just being stupid, playing with people’s lives?
    Malnutrition is a slow and painful death spiral!
    Yes, hate the opposition leaders but pay attention to what they are saying!
    Unfortunately, UPND created the hunger mess in Zambia! It’s not even drought!
    They foolishly sold PF grain, failed their first FISP when we had good rains, then failed to read expert predictions on the El nino drought and did nothing to mitigate!
    In other words, no visionary leadership!
    If you cannot be competent in small things, why should you be trusted in bigger things?
    These Dealers came to empower themselves and their so called international connections!
    Locals are now displaced without compensation to pave way for foreigners who want to come and set up investments that will not even benefit Zambians! They will be given Tax holidays and allowed to use our people as slave labor!
    UPND has no heart for Zambians!
    The other thieves we removed benzeko na chifundo … Kikikiki
    Ba UPND, be serious about the hunger situation in the country!
    Tekeni amatako panshi and come to see reality of the situation on the ground! Don’t stick up your heads on cloud 9.
    Why have you become deaf mad and blind?
    You only have a year to redeem yourselves otherwise, 2026 will go to your dreaded Hyenas!

    • Chiķubabe, UPND must be grateful to you for your timely advice. The gravest mistake a ruling party can make is to take Zambian voters for granted. They should listen and avoid the pain and shame of humiliation that UNIP, MMD and PF suffered.

    • Don’t complain baba…just work. An enabling environment has been created for serious people. Lazy ones like you will keep judging and wasting time on the internet

  5. Funerals bring people together, and as an elderly normal person you don’t expect people to go hungry, it has been a customer over and over.

    • Chisenga, I guess the lady has no problem with what you have said. You are correct. However, her concern is that many households have literally no money and no food. Consequently such households move from funeral to funeral during meal times to find something to eat from the food meant for genuine mourners. This is the order of the day, especially in the urban high density locations.

  6. Are Zambians eating yellow maize meant for cows now? Answer is no. The waste hunger was in the late 80s during the KK rule, and late 90s during Chiluba’s rule(tho this wasn’t severe), but even then as hard as it was , no one went from funeral to funeral for food. What an insult to the dead and families of the dead this is. May God burn this useless despicable woman manners to death. And immediately!

  7. Quite strange that a Zambian politician would choose to mislead the masses in this fashion. Zambians have always been supportive in times of sorrow and that should not be perceived as a sign of hunger in the nation

  8. How old is this woman who is claiming that the hardships we are facing are unprecedented in the history of our country? Clearly, she was born after 1991.

    Those of us who lived through the UNIP rule after 1974 know what true hardship is. Does this lady know what it means to que for bath soap? bread? salt? sugar? Have we reached that stage in Zambia? Does she know what it means to walk into Shoprite and be confronted by empty shelves?

    It not wise to carelessly throw around empty statements.


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