ZESCO has offered free Transport for the Four people who attempted to protest against load shedding at ZESCO Headquarters in Lusaka this morning. They have been taken to Kariba Dam to appreciate the impact of climate change.

Sources close to the ZESCO Comms department has disclosed that ZESCO is losing alot of money through load management and it’s not in their wish but circumstances.

It is unfortunate that people would think it’s deliberate when it’s well known fact that climate change is real.

The Source has disclosed that it’s a wish of the ZESCO management that the four who have been transported to Kariba Dam will be ambassadors of truth to the public as far as load management is concern.


  1. Yes,that is good show the doubtful Thomases the situation prevailing at Kariba so that they can tell their sponsors to slow down and think correctly.They are talking for nothing.Let them your nicely and give them note books to write their observations and possibly allow them to take pictures at non restricted areas.

  2. The problem is that they will be seeing the Dam for the first time so to them the water they will see is more than enough and they will now male more noise. Otherwise those who know kariba dam don’t make noise or protest coz they have seen its current form on social media.

  3. Take the protesters to Kariba dam in 2022, when you started over generating for export…and let Zambezi River Authority also be there, to explain what you have done to the water reservoirs. We are not fools.
    Why is that Zimbabwe hasn’t got the power Problem Zambia is experiencing???

    • Clearly you are ignorant about economic matters looking at your statement which is condemning the export of surplus power. Let me give you some basic education, exports are very important because they help a country earn forex which in turn make the local currency strong.
      You are the same people who are daily complaining about the high cost of living but you can’t seem to understand that we need to export more to earn more forex and help reduce the cost commodities like fuel whose prices are affected by exchange rates. Of course, we can minimise on exports of electricity in such moments as this which the government has done but say we should not export electricity when we have surplus is nothing short of crass ignorance. Please educate yourself a bit about such matters before you comment, otherwise, you just embarrass yourself.

  4. Like maize our electricity might have been over exported, the importers made sure that they put funny closes to the contracts
    Otherwise it was not intentional to starve the Zambians off their electricity but the repercussions are humongous

  5. Rupia Banda got power from a ship and that was thinking outside the box, unfortunately I can’t see any methodical or radical ideas to address the calamity our present admin is simply crying El nino and no tangible solutions in the offing.
    We need short term solutions like now!!
    The situation is really Baad!!.
    If monies for by elections can be organized..

  6. Clearly you are ignorant about economic matters looking at your statement which is condemning the export of surplus power. Let me give you some basic education, exports are very important because they help a country earn forex which in turn make the local currency strong.
    You are the same people who are daily complaining about the high cost of living but you can’t seem to understand that we need to export more to earn more forex and help reduce the cost commodities like fuel whose prices are affected by exchange rates. Of course, we can minimise on exports of electricity in such moments as this which the government has done but say we should not export electricity when wf have surplus in nothing short of crass ignorance.

  7. Clearly you are ignorant about economic matters looking at your statement which is condemning the export of surplus power. Let me give you some basic education, exports are very important because they help a country earn forex which in turn make the local currency strong.
    You are the same people who are daily complaining about the high cost of living but you can’t seem to understand that we need to export more to earn more forex and help reduce the cost commodities like fuel whose prices are affected by exchange rates. Of course, we can minimise on exports of electricity in such moments as this which the government has done but to say we should not export electricity when we have surplus is nothing short of crass ignorance.


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