ZESCO Losses as a result of poor leadership- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


ZESCO Losses as a result of poor leadership

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Minister of Energy, Makozo Chikote has disclosed that ZESCO is losing $35million a month due to the current load-shedding.
We hold that this partly to gross negligence by the Board and its Management and the utter failure to manage the known crisis of the 2023/2024 drought.

Earlier, ZESCO had applied to the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) seeking a tarrif increase of upto 156%. ZESCO claimed that it needed $14million a month in emergency funds to afford power imports.

ZESCO needs to do the following;
1. Renogotiate the unfair and unprofitable agreements with; the Bulk Supplier Agreement (BSA) with Copperbelt Energy Corporation PLC whereby ZESCO sells electricty at a ridiculous rate which allows CEC to resell the the power at expensive rate making the private energy company and allowing it make it super profits.

2. The Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) with Independent Power Producers (IPP) such as Maamba Collieries, Ndola Energy and others whereby ZESCO buys the power at very expensive  rate and sells it to the public at a lower rate thereby making ZESCO perpetually yoked to debt with the IPPs.

3. Stop the procurement and contract corruption occurring at ZESCO with wanton carelessness resulting in looting of the revenue of the utility company.

4. Review recent Power Purchase Agreements that have been signed since 2022 that,we understand, are similar to current agreements that are totally unfair and highly expensive to ZESCO.

5. Overstaffing.

6. A top-heavy management with ridiculous grades,hefty salaries and benefits.
7. Stop exports until further notice.


  1. This man is irritating and totally something else.

    First and foremost, it is your PF and president Chagwa Lungu who employed more PF cadres at ZESCO while others were just getting or drawing salaries from ZESCO without doing any job at all. For Emmanuel Mwamba to pretend to think as if it is the current government which have created this because of poor leadership is a crises of mind of a person like you sir and is quite abnormal and not with all due respect supposed or expected to come from a responsible leader you if I deed you are, but let alone crooks and thieves who always show up or come to steal, kill and destroy. So if indeed ZESCO has a big human resource base on top or overstaffing, then the blame has to be entirely hipped and directly be on PF poor leadership and management of national asserts like ZESCO including the huge debt that the utility firm is grappling with. No doubt about it, it is because of the poor leadership of ECL and his PF government. Even the expenditure as we saw cadres getting allowances from ZESCO and salaries without doing any actual work? That was day light robbery and it is a shame to see the group of people who were part of or in the mismanagement and milking of the firm pretend without shame to blame others? It’s really sad and very shameful. If these are the type of leaders Zambia will by any evil chance be subjected to in the far future, then that will be the end of our Country’s relevance in the eyes of the world and citizens at large.

    Secondly, the issue of the agreements. Most of the power purchase and other agreements you are talking about are not of today but some were entered by the PF government. Therefore, a normal person, country or entity that respects agreements or contracts should always abide by the terms and conditions of the agreements otherwise you will end up creating problems end up in cours of law if not handled properly; but when there’s something that you need to address it means sitting on the round table to renegotiate with the other party by giving reasons why you want to do one or two things against what is is contained in the agreement then amicably you arrive at a consensus and of course with genuine reasons, it’s not taking it by force like you did with KCM and Mopani NO.NO did you see the problems you created for us and particularly the people of Copperbelt? So Mr. Mwamba, try to say the truth, these things you know but don’t pretend to play a snake type of cleverness, NO,NO it’s bad sir.

    The load shading that we have is because of the drought that we experienced as a country that have seen the water levels to go beyond the expected levels of power generation in the water bodies we have hydro water machines through ZESCO. If it was not for this reason, I tell you the truth, this issue of power rationing and shortages wouldn’t be there. But again, it is an eye opener because our Creator the Lord God is showing us another way of getting electricity, which through the government is being explored and I tell you from this drought, Zambia will never be the same. We will be in abundance, especially with hard work being exhibited in our people good things are ahead of us and it will be well again.

    So Mr. Mwamba, yes many people will listen to you but time will soon be of essence in the minds of people to see what type of a person you are, the likes of Mmembe, Nakachinda, Mutototo Kafwaya, Chilufya tayali and other like minded propagandist and lieres like you, will be to the public.

    Otherwise, there’s nothing new of relevance coming out of you or you are trying to put forward, it just shinka butter. No Bwino bwino

  2. This man is irritating and totally something else.

    First and foremost, it is your PF and president Chagwa Lungu who employed more PF cadres at ZESCO while others were just getting or drawing salaries from ZESCO without doing any job at all. For Emmanuel Mwamba to pretend to think as if it is the current government which have created this because of poor leadership is a crises of mind of a person like you sir and is quite abnormal and with all due respect not supposed or expected to come from a responsible leader like you, if at all or indeed you are, but let alone crooks and thieves who always show up or come to steal, kill and destroy. So if indeed ZESCO has a big human resource base on top or overstaffing, then the blame has to be entirely hipped and directly be on PF poor leadership and mismanagement of national asserts like ZESCO including the huge debt that the utility firm is grappling with. No doubt about it, it is because of the poor leadership of ECL and his PF government. Even the expenditure as we saw cadres getting allowances from ZESCO and salaries without doing any actual work? That was day light robbery and it is a shame to see the group of people who were part of or in the mismanagement and milking of the firm pretend without shame to blame others? It’s really sad and very shameful. If these are the type of leaders Zambia will by any evil chance be subjected to in the far future, then that will be the end of our Country’s relevance in the eyes of the world and citizens at large.

    Secondly, the issue of the agreements. Most of the power purchase and other agreements you are talking about are not of today but some were entered by the PF government. Therefore, a normal person, country or entity that respects agreements or contracts should always abide by the terms and conditions of the agreements otherwise you will end up creating problems and eventually end up in courts of law if not handled properly; but when there’s something that you need to address it means sitting on the round table to renegotiate with the other party by giving reasons why you want to do one or two things against what is contained in the agreement amicably then you arrive at a consensus and of course with genuine reasons get what you want which our government is doing. They have sor recalled some power exports in the range of 195 if not 250 MG’s. I am not just very clear on this one but it is doing so, it’s not taking it by force like you did with KCM and Mopani NO.NO did you see the problems you created for us and particularly the people of Copperbelt? So Mr. Mwamba, try to say the truth, these things you know but don’t pretend to play a snake type of cleverness, NO,NO it’s bad sir.

    The load shading that we have is because of the drought that we experienced as a country that have seen the water levels to go beyond the expected levels of power generation in the water bodies we have hydro water machines through ZESCO. If it was not for this reason, I tell you the truth, this issue of power rationing and shortages wouldn’t be there. But again, it is an eye opener because our Creator the Lord God is showing us another way of getting electricity, which through the government is being explored and I tell you, from this drought, Zambia will never be the same again. We will be in abundance, especially with hard work being exhibited in our people good things are ahead of us and it will be well again.

    So Mr. Mwamba, yes many people will listen to you but time will soon be of essence in the minds of people to see what type of a person you are, the likes of Mmembe, Nakachinda, Mutototo Kafwaya, Chilufya tayali and other like minded propagandist and lieres like you, will be to the public.

    Otherwise, there’s nothing new of relevance coming out of you or you are trying to put forward, it just shinka butter. No Bwino bwino


  3. The man seem to be confusing himself thereby contracting himself. On one hand, he says ZESCO buys power at expansive rate and sells it at discounted rate to the public consumer but he is the same person against electricity tariffs hike which was proposed, then how does the corporation make money if it cannot sell their product at a economical price? He further says there should be no electricity exports but exports earn the corporation more revenue than local customers and again how will it make money if it can’t sell to a market the corporation can earn very good revenue?


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