By Patson Chilemba

I have known UPND creating scenarios of violence and then turning around to blame PF, says Muchinga Province minister Malozo Sichone.

And Sichone, who is Isoka member of parliament (PF), said opposition UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has never committed himself to stopping violence, until now when he is being affected.

Speaking with Daily Revelation over an incident yesterday where a radio appearance on ISO FM, in Isoka, featuring Hichilema, was stopped by PF thugs, Sichone used the word purportedly in referring to the perpetrators of the violence, saying he was not even there when the incident happened.

“Did they tell you the names of the people who did that?” Sichone asked, but was reminded that there may not be names, but there are strong indications that those were PF cadres, adding to the fact that the incidence was coming on the back of another incident where the cadres stopped Hichilema’s radio appearance in Mpika. “In the first place I don’t want people to speculate, we need to speak with evidence that those are PF cadres. If at all you have any factual evidence that they are PF cadres I would love to know their names and then I would get down to comment.”

Sichone then spinned the narrative, indicating that it was the UPND plan to claim victim in this situation.

“Because as the case is, I have known of UPND creating scenarios and then turning around and claiming it’s PF which is doing this. So I want to have a lot of information about this before I comment,” Sichone said, but was however, asked on the reasonableness of his own words that the UPND could could use their own cadres to violently stop their own paid for radio programme. “What I’m saying, I am not saying that incidence was fabricated by Hichilema, I am saying let me have information because UPND has done that before yes.They have started some confusion and they claim it’s PF which is doing that.”

He said he was just sad that every time there was anything to do with PF and UPND, there was something to do with violence, while in the same breath saying that UPND should play their role in ending the violence. Sichone blamed Hichilema for not speaking out against violence.

“You know that UPND was fighting with MMD, there was a lot of violence and now UPND is fighting with PF. Then I wonder whether it’s just the ruling parties that are violent. You know UPND has been in existence for a long time let them also to a large extent then avoid these things. We will do our part they have to do their part,” said Sichone. “I wouldn’t want to promote violence and I have always been a peaceful person but I think he has never committed himself, HH has never committed himself to stop violence or to speak against violence. It’s now that you are hearing his voice because he’s claiming that he’s being affected.”


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