
A Harare pastor has reportedly teamed up with his wife, and some members of his flock attacked and undressed a married congregant during a crossover service in Epworth.

The victim now accuses the pastor and his wife of witchcraft, saying she has had continuous blood flow ever since the day of the attack.

Pastor Alfonce Mudzingwa of The Light Angel Apostolic Church allegedly teamed with other congregants and attacked Zamiwe Genti for demanding her money from Mudzingwa’s wife.

“The pastor and his wife teamed up with other congregants in attacking me after I confronted his wife for failing to pay my money. During the attack, the church secretary, together with Mai Mufundisi, removed my panties and hid them. From that day I have been menstruating and suspect Mai Mufundisi of bewitching me. They deserted their home from that day after I lodged a police report under RRB 5028157 at Epworth Police Station.

“No church services are being conducted since December because of that incident. My worry is about the non-stop blood flow and my husband is threatening to divorce me over the disappearance of my panties.”

Pr Mudzingwa confirmed the incident saying Genti attended the church service drunk and uttered unprintable words.
“That lady had some issues with my wife concerning clothing transactions,” said Pr Mudzingwa.
“On the day in question she came for the church service drunk and attacked my wife verbally over a debt. She went on to disturb the service and we decided to deal with her. It was not her first time attacking my wife. Some weeks before that Crossover Day she came to my house and attacked my wife and ended up taking a pot with relish, which was on the stove, and threw it away.
“Izvozvo ndizvo zvaakaroverwa zvekuzobviswa kwake bhurugwa izvo anotobvunza vakamuita izvozvo.”

Mai Mufundisi, who is believed to have visited her rural village following the incident, could not be reached for comment.
The church secretary and two others were reported to have been arrested and have since appeared in court over the issue. H Metro


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