HH Booed At Heroes Stadium


Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba writes:
HH Booed At Heroes Stadium

At his inauguration on 24th August 2021, the people in the stadium booed Edgar Lungu.

Today the fans gathered in the stadium repaid Hichilema with the same ugly treatment, giving him loud boos, probably strong disapproval of his failure to govern the country and his failure to lower the high cost of living..

Absa Cup Final 2024

FULL-TIME: Kabwe Warriors 1-2 Red Arrows

Godfrey Binga 52’ | Ricky Banda 1’, Allasane Diarra 42’

Red Arrows are champions of the Absa Cup 2024.


    • Indigo Tryol fuseki anakubela chani iwe povert stricken PF criminal? Yes we shall vote wisely again and beat you pants down. What improvement can you criminals bring which you failed to deliver for 10 years.ba idiot imwe. Abash guntrotting and Panga Wielding PF criminals for good.

  1. Ka Unga and fuel too high and he is not doing anything. Definitely it will cost him 2026. He will be booed at inauguration like what happened to ECL. Pano tuli.

  2. Ka Unga and fuel prices too high and he is not doing anything about it. Definitely it will cost him 2026. He will be booed at inauguration like what happened to ECL in 2021. Pano tuli.

  3. But this man also he is just something else. I am just imagining having such a person who is full of propaganda and having such at the AU as a Zambian representative whom did he represent? the Country or just his political ambitions. He is irritating but I am very sure it’s just a matter of time the devil will have nothing to say from his dark corner because the light is shining on HH and UPND

    Quite okay if HH was booed at the stadium so what. He is still in charge of the country and representing the country extremely well. All the hardships that some Zambians in a vulnerable category are facing were caused by this very group of criminals or group of demons+ the agents of the devil.

    But the good and real message is that we who are enjoying thus peace and preveragies in this country are many dispute the high cost of living. This is temporal good things are coming,

    1. The peace we are enjoying in the Country now is greatly appreciated – we have to know very well where we are coming from, what we went through as a nation and individuals at the helm of PF and Lungu plus his thugs.

    2. We as noble people who had difficulties of taking our children to the university, secondary schools even to skills training institutions are very happy with the free education, university bursaries and loans, and the meal allowance that government has given back to graduates after uncle Nkandu Luo and their group PF removed it from the provision statutes of students.

    3. Employments in public services to the many youths in the defence, local government and health all these good things surely a normal person with his five senses can say, one has failed. Even when the many kaloba loans that Lungu borrowed and store with his team and even failed to pay in addition to not being credible to negotiate but UPND has done so and now paying heavily these loans but instead of being remorseful and appreciating but these thugs can intoxicate the people selling in the streets and to think they are saints and want them back so that they can still be gassing them, killing them, and stealing from government? Never, never. Infact these are robbers and are full of sin because. This is sin. And for sure such people will not have it easy at any level because of their behaviour and character.

    I always thank God because our Republican President, President HH is focused – always eyes on the ball. Correcting and fixing the broken economy and he is not even paying attention to bucking of these crooks.

    The devil and his agents will definitely be judged of their wrong doing whatever he will do and his agents they will be judged The innocent blood that is crying in the ground for NSAMA NSAMA, Joseph KAUNDA, BANDA, MAPENZI is still crying in the ground while these Murderers pretend to be like saints. It will and never happen. God is in charge and control and we are greatly thankful to God for we blessed to be given a wise president in HH as a leader not bapompwe.

    We know you .and your mission.

    I urge the government not to pay much attention to these crooks, the plunderers but to let the dead burry their own dead.

    • Why don’t you join the UPND propaganda desk? There’s been a vacancy there since Mweetwa left for government. And it’s showing because that office now does nothing

  4. When people points some challenges, the government needs to pay attention and that attention needs to be immediately, not always arguments which yield nothing, moreover people are not demanding money but to lower the cost of living.

  5. Mwamba don’t be childish….HH is paying the price for the mess you left in the unflushed toi….let.You can’t expect him to be cheered for some hard and unpopular decisions he has to make for now. Your wrongs mwamba in FTJ terror are so serious that you better keep that bend mouth shut.

  6. I now confirm that Mwamba is not normal. Where and when did the fans boo HH? Instead he was given a resounding standing ovation especially when he went to kick the ball. Mwamba was probably not even at the stadium no wonder his write up is just gibberish.

  7. Whether he is a conman or not, in 2026, we will still vote for HH. Let you PF continue sharing the money you stole from KCM although milingo has surrendered a paltry $24. You will cry again in 2026 because HH will still win

  8. Well UPND you are childish, respond with humility and respect. Insults or name calling will never take you anywhere. The citizens are unhappy and feed up. Your own childishness is always an all mark of failure. Accepts things are not good and look at what you are capable of doing to make people happier than in PF. What has the death of Nsama Nsama and others got to do with HH booed?
    You know if you are eating, drinking , sleeping comfortably and have money because of being associated with the power that be, you brain cells shrinks and even when many UPND supporters or cadres used to be very intelligent, smart and were able articulate view points or comments with a sense of purpose and integrity,alas today you are becoming laughable

    • This country gonna change for the better soon just shut up
      Don’t forget how Defunct TuPF crimminals destroyed this country and left shit allover for HH7 to mop up, and he’s doing an extremely good job so far before he starts applying cobra
      Vote wisely vote HH7 in 2026/31

  9. A professional and credible Statistician will inquire whether the Sample at Heroes Stadium was an objective Representative of the National Population. Football Fans are normally associated with Hooliganism and a Loudy Lot.

  10. As of today, I would still vote for HH. All the other political party leaders are pretenders to the throne.

    He is the only hope for this country. The rest are immature and untrustworthy. The last one has sticky fingers and given another chance, he will clean out the treasury again.

  11. I doubt if UPND got the message because I am afraid they are becoming deaf, mad and blind as power continues to intoxicate them!
    The happenings at ERB and ZESCO just to mention these two institutions shows how disorganized, dishonest and corrupt UPND is!
    Anyway, whatever goes up must come back down!
    Your time is up!
    But know one thing. If your failures bring back PF, you will never know peace!
    Perhaps you will understand why Shaka said never leave an enemy behind!

    • Mr Chikubabe, Shaka will never be a measure of decency in Humanity, he was just a Brute and a wild animal. A dent on the African race and Mentality forever. If HH had wiped out all the Opposition in 2021 when he won, you would have been the first one climbing on the Anti hill and your Bunch of fellow daily Critics crying “Shrinking Democracy and Dictator”. Sometimes let us be rational.

  12. This is a reality check for Hakainde. Those ferried Crowds he gets at his rallies are just one part of an equation. There’s a large segment of Zambians out there who are not happy over a lot of things…his politics, his governance style…the shrinkage of the democratic space, the degenerative disorders of the three arms of government.. and the one party dictatorship syndrome he has espoused taking Zambia back to Unip days …
    Talk of people moving from place to place looking for ZNS Mealie Meal. Everyday you see people on bicycles, on buses with the ZNS Mealie Meal fetched from often distant places.. Such things were last seen in Unip days.
    The cost of living, where K100 has become K10. The hunger in people’s homes…and the darkness , over 12 hours load shedding, meanwhile you lie to the people that it is 8 hours! And the transport costs… attending funerals of loved ones has become a tall order…
    And that arrogance, and insults from praise singers…with their useless CDF of sub standard police posts and 1 x 3 classrooms… the abandoned projects… they can’t even do any meaningful feeder roads!
    It is a reality check Mr Hakainde…And once such things start, they never stop, and will escort you to the polling day, which elections by all indications, you can’t win unless offcourse you rig using the Tribal goal keepers at ECZ, Constitutional court, Judiciary, Zambia Police and all the State Institutions you have flooded with your ‘ Onanas’..

  13. I apportion the current hardship the country is facing as follows:
    1) current hunger situation: misjudgment by UPND for selling the FRA maize reserves. Then the rains failed. UPND was hoping the 2023/2024 rains would be good for a Bumper Harvest and no doubt if the rains were good, Mealie meal prices would have been affordable.
    2) current economic hardships: PF missmanaged the economy in the past. No doubt about it.
    3) adverse International Economic Scenario mainly Russian/Ukraine and Israel/Gaza Conflict. The western world who are our traditional Cooperating Partners have shifted their support to their “kin and kith” and also these are areas with significant world influence, away from us

  14. Just accept he was booed , what’s the fuss about. If people don’t like a leader they boo! Even super Ken Kaunda was being booed when people came to hate him so much. So even Hichilema and his people should know that he’s not liked and the end is near now! So even the police won’t save him when the time comes, they will say, like Peter in the Bible that they don’t know him! The video showing the booing has been removed, why? Just let it play so Zambians know the truth!

  15. Mwamba is a lie, that is what he is made of.Some people thrive through telling lies.People or fans were just happy to see the President more especially when he kicked the ball.Mwamba simply played some sound effects from a different occasion the ambience and gestures the fans are showing don’t match.Mwamba’s kind of lies are to excite or to annoy and to mislead the unsuspecting people.The President was busy greeting fans as he entered the stadium and some even escorted the motorcade along side the police.The sound of boewing from the sponsored chaps was not there as it was subdued by happy fans who whistled and shouted in praising the president.We shall not stop exposing Mwamba’s like.

  16. There is no need to respond with humility. Humility to PF propaganda? If you have nothing to do go and sleep. Some of you are very lazy that’s why you re missing “tantameni”. You will sit on the terrances till 2031. You never imagined HH would be president. Just find some work to do!


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