Don’t limit my movements´-EDGAR LUNGU


´Don’t limit my movements´–EDGAR LUNGU
…as former presidents rights are further abused

Smart Eagles-18.05.24, Kabwe

Edgar Lungu, the sixth President of Zambia has cautioned police, working under orders from President Hakainde Hichilema to stop ´limiting his movements´ around the country as if he were a common criminal.

The sixth President of Zambia said instead of wasting money and time limiting his space and freedom, Mr. Hichilema should direct his energy towards fighting escalating, poverty, load shedding and high prices of mealie meal.

Dr. Lungu was speaking in Kabwe, central Zambia about 150kms from Lusaka on Friday after a police man stormed the private parish office of catholic Bishop Clement Mulenga, disrupting a courtesy call he was paying the respected clergy.

“Your job is to stop lawbreakers or people who are planning to break the law not stop me from enjoying my right to move freely,” President Lungu said.”

The former President said, “I came here to pay a courtesy call on the good bishop it´s not your job to bar me your job is to protect me, protect the bishop and others, so that we can meet, talk, and I go my way.”

The police man who seemed bewielded and shaken, speaking to this former commander in chief still insisted that President Lungu had ´no right to pay a courtesy call onto the bishop’ without citing a single law.

The policeman said, “When you were coming from Lusaka, you didn’t inform us to say that you are making a stop in Kabwe or any other place. You need to inform us in advance.”

The sixth President, a qualified lawyer and legislator firmly told the policeman that, “I do not have to inform you by law, who told you that I have to inform you of my movements?”

He said there´s no constitutional requirement compelling a former President to get permission from the state for him to make any movements.
“Sir, please let’s respect our constitution,” said President Lungu, “this is a church not a public rally and I have a right to see my bishop, to pay a courtesy call on my church leaders.”

A large section of civil society in Zambia believe the “democratic space has shrunk” since Mr Hichilemas assumed office almost three years ago in a questionable election.”

The sixth President has also been
banned from travelling abroad to receive specialised medical attention while his retirement package as a former president has been frozen by Mr Hichilema, his successor, shocking many.

In the face of all these mounting abuses, the western diplomatic corp that were loudly condemning the Lungu administration in the run up to the 2021 polls remain silent, ostensibly in cohorts with Mr. Hichilema´s abusive government.


  1. But Sir do you still remember how restricted HH ‘s movements were? You never allowed him to campaign even during the official campaign period prior to the 2021 elections. May be under your orders, HH could not exit Chipata airport, he was detained there for several hours. In Chingola after he was shot at in what appeared to be an assassination attempt, you ordered 32 police vehicles and made sure that HH was escorted back to Lusaka. Along the way, in Kitwe, Ndola, Kapiri and Kabwe more vehicles joined the convoy. You are the same person who called HH incorrigible, you could not allow him to use Zambian air space, you vowed to arrest him and deal with after handing over power to yourself. Out of a mere road traffic offense, you framed a treason case and threw HH into Chimbokaila and later into Mukobeko dungeon. So don’t think we have forgotten because all the atrocities you did to HH and the people of Zambia are still fresh in our minds. You are complaining now but under your rule, HH was being treated like a common criminal and at times he was staying like someone under house arrest.

    • Attempts to block a head of state,threatening his well-being is actually a breach away from treason. In the US,even Russia, your man would have been neutralised by the Presidential detail. A nolle prosequi was entered. He was not aquited. If more evidence should emerge,the case will be brought back before the courts.
      Your President should follow the law and not what ECL did. Do you follow?

  2. Well done Zambia Police. Chagwa Mtawali Lungu should actually seek your clearance when going to the Chimbuzi, he can’t be trusted with shit

  3. Eeweh chikala Lungu, listen up satan nyoko.
    First of all you are and still remain the most stupid chikala in Zambia. No Zambian has forgotten what you did to us you ba5terd
    Visionless imbwa

    • Look at this computer program, shouldn’t someone deprograme it? It’s still churning out garbage!!!

  4. Lungu is dull. Him stopped HH from going to church in Chingola and Ndola. He must behave! He is old enough and should not behave like a grade 7. We sympathize with him; money he gave his children is being foreifeted to the state. As a lawyer, he should have known this.

  5. The writer of this article must learn to be factual in his presentations. His assertion that “a large section of civil society in Zambia believe that the democratic space has shrunk since Mr. Hichilema assumed office almost three years ago in a questionable election” makes me wonder about his state of mind.

    Which large section of civil society is he referring to? Can he statistically establish this large section of civil society? Which questionable election is he talking about? The elections were conducted by ECZ officers appointed by Mr. Lungu himself and it was his government which presided over the whole electoral process. So is the writer saying Mr. Lungu conducted questionable elections? If so, then it just points to his dismal levels of incompetency.

    In case he has forgotten, Mr. Lungu threatened to lock up Mr. Hichilema and hand over power to himself after the elections because he was certain he would rig the same.

    Clearly, the writer is Mr. Lungu’s and PF sympathiser and therefore grossly biased in his comments.

  6. No one is above the law, whether former or current president, we have the same law and are subjected to the same treatment.


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