Council of Churches in Zambia –CCZ- General Secretary EMMANUEL CHIKOYA has welcomed the apology rendered by Government to the Catholic Church on the conduct of the Police officer in Kabwe.

Father CHIKOYA says the Police officer’s conduct of attempting to stop the meeting between former President EDGAR LUNGU and Bishop CLEMENT MULENGA of Kabwe Diocese was unacceptable.

Speaking in an interview with ZNBC news in Lusaka today, Fr. CHIKOYA also emphasized the importance of peace, harmony, and love in the country.

And Governance expert and Human Rights Advocate WESLEY MIYANDA has urged those supporting the former President to do so in a sober manner.



  1. It seems the compromised CCZ of Reverend Matale is still alive! Ba Father Chikoya couldn’t you have waited for the affected party, the Catholic Church to see the details of the apology before you responded?
    How would you feel if it was a CCZ Bishop who was subjected to that treatment by Hakainde’s police, in the sanctity of your office, and even before you look at the details of the apology, the Catholic Church welcomes and accepts it ??!!
    Are you not being Pre-emptive ba Father??
    The issues between Hakainde’s government and the Catholic Church are becoming just too many. This is not an isolated event..the list is becoming long each passing day. Even Homilies can lead to a police call out, and offcourse an apology later.
    Offend today, apologize tomorrow, offend again and apologize again…Are these not just dry apologies…just hot air.
    And we haven’t seen the last of this. Tomorrow the same thing will happen… offend, and apologize again. Sounds like a broken record to me.

  2. Father Chikanya, accepting an apology from UPND ministers is when the big Fish HH has declined to apologize is like trying to reconcile with someone on the hand does not accept the reason to reconcile because nothing wrong has done by him or her. We Catholics as far as we are concerned, we are lucifers and any apology does not even move us , this is the crocodile tears and there is no way we can take their apology serious as they only wanted to show they are sorry on TV but after that they went to their inherently dangerous behavioural in born of hatred, tormenting, making threats, bullying, tribalism , discrimination based on tribal lines and division .
    If genuinely interested in making a serious apology they would have not again gone off the topic to start threatening Lungu.
    Their apology is water under the bridge as Catholics, we will be working very quietly because it’s worth to not speak a mad man who does not see the difference between wrong or right. We are living in an era where the Tongas thinks they are the only ones who owns the country and the rest of the tribes are less important. They are agitators and driven by inferiority complex and fear of the other tribes. The true hates but this is the reality in Zambia. It’s time bomb at the rate HH is taking this country to nowhere but destruction and violence against people. I’m sure HH and minions are so blindfolded by the little borrowed power from the Zambian citizenry. They can enjoy putting their tribal men and women in every higher positions in each department , ACC . DEC, POLICE ,ARMY, ZRA, , ZAF, . I really hate that we are here when we thought HH have gone through what he did could make the best president but he us proven to be the worst president ever

  3. This Police man is a man that failed to articulate himself. Understanding of the security protocol and efforcing it. Is a sruggle here.

    Listening the Government apology, Press Conference and this clip clearly shows that Mr. Lungu has no regard for what MAY POSSIBLY happen. His security people should have done the right thing to ensure that adequate security was there in Kabwe and Kasanda.
    When Gary Nkombo suggests Lungu as acting like a “Super kid”, this is exactly what he means. His status as a “known person” MAY get out of hand when the public knows of his presence. If there is no adequate protection on hand to deal with what may possibly happen. The same Lungu will say, government was bad to allow such a thing to happen to him. The Bishop clearly also doesnt appreciate the “behind the scenes happenings of security” in the case of a person of “known repute”. Lungu should have kept quiet and tried to appreciate the quadmire the officer who seems to be trying to explain his situation. He had “no back up” to assist him if some unruly persons caused what was a quiet and inconspicuous meeting became public knowledge and out of hand.
    It was out of concern that this officer is speaking. Secondly, this issue would not have got out of hand but for this leaked video. A one on one with the Police and the Bishop would have helped the Bishop appreciate the Police and its point of you. Its important that Xhurch and its security “wing” advise the senior clergy of such things and not interpret them as mischievious as Mr. Lungu is suggesting.
    If he wants to play “Super Kid” let him go ahead and learn the hard way. Mr. Lungu continues to show us how immature and childish of a person he is.


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