Based on all the “pictorial evidence” I am seeing, Hon Emmanuel JJ Banda wasn’t abducted- Rev. Walter Mwambazi


Rev. Walter Mwambazi Writes 👇

On a light but thoughtful note…

I have been very quiet about Hon Emmanuel JJ Banda and his debacle.

Firstly, we thank God he has been “found”! And thankfully he seems to be “fine” going by the circumstances at hand.

Based on all the “pictorial evidence” I am seeing, I think we can safely conclude the following…

👉🏾 It wasn’t an abduction
👉🏾 It also definitely wasn’t a suicide
👉🏾 It also wasn’t a robbery…

So, my conclusion is that this WAS A SECRET RAPTURE! ☺️

I shall now wait for all the data to slowly come together over the next week and the answers become more clear. I just hope this story won’t go where the “gassing” story went, into oblivion!

Mpaka manje we don’t even know who were the culprits of that terrible saga.

Kalemba please do some investigative journalism for one, let’s get the story.

And for my other friends Zambian Whistleblower let’s get to the bottom of this now shall we?

Tizaembekeza timvele. 😁


  1. Puzzle of puzzles!I just thank God he is found alive and that was my prayer from the word go.I asked God to use his powers to put JJ in his protection.Amen!But we need proper answer as to what happened and who for what why.God bless Zambia.

    • There are people out there who want all hell to break loose in Zambia and then blame it on HH. The silence we are seeing now means they’re busy trying to fake another incident somewhere or they’re trying to run away or to distance themselves from the JJ Banda incident.


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