Dear Ba Thomas Sipalo, Komboni President,

Thomas Sipalo

Dear Ba Thomas Sipalo, Komboni President,

This is my response to your premature political question: “Since the formation of UPND, which other constituency, ward, or council chairmanship in Southern Province has been won by any other political party apart from Livingstone Central?”

Don’t be misled by those old and confused folks, young man. Honestly, how did you expect a party like PF to win a ward there with all the insults they kept showering on the region? Secondly, how did Southern Province give MMD under Chiluba a 90 percent vote in the 1991 election? Do you research or you are depending on fake data from ba Danny Pule? Do you know what this history translates into if there were MMD MPs and councillors who decided to stand on the MMD ticket in 1991? Instead of being lied to by adults who are busy spreading hatred, respect the locals across the country, sell your manifestos as UKA, and you will see them vote for you.

Hakainde Hichilema received zero votes in the Northern and Eastern regions for many years until 2015. The problem wasn’t the people in those regions; it was Hichilema and the UPND not reaching out to sell their manifesto to convince the locals. When they realized this gap, things changed in 2016 and 2021, and the rest is history.

Don’t call people names before engaging them. With the attitude you have now, prepare to get zero votes for UKA in those regions if you don’t change. It’s common sense. You can’t expect people to vote for you when your team is busy insulting them and not campaigning with diplomacy. Today, the entire senior Council of UKA is in cells for inciting hate speech. Who would vote for such individuals in their light thinking mind?

Do you remember how much time former President Edgar Lungu spent in the Southern Province during campaigns? If you recall this, you’ll understand that the PF dug their own ditch by failing to engage respectfully and effectively with the people.

You also claimed earlier this morning that UKA is not a political organization. Mr. Man, what is the definition of a political organization? Please don’t fall into the trap of those who have nothing to offer the good people of Zambia.

The country is going through a lot of economic stress, and this should be our number one goal as citizens. Provide checks and balances to the government with your alternative solutions, and not these baseless questions you are asking on behalf of some confused UKA seniors.

Zambians have woken up. If you are in politics with the primitive mindset that you can win their hearts with propaganda and baseless ideological beliefs, they will never vote for you, ba UKA. Tell us what your manifestos are and we will support you. For example, we are centred on farming, but we had a PF regime under ba mudaala ba Lungu with their CADRES insulting us for specializing in livestock and treated us like we are primitive citizens, do you think we are that stupid to have continued supporting such a party that had no regard to our livelihood and source of income? I fact they never cared about livestock matters like theft cases.

We know the PF’s manifesto of more money, more jobs, and lower taxes, which they lamentably failed to fulfill in their ten-year mandate.

This is brotherly advice to you, Mr. Man.

Yours sincerely,



  1. This is the free advice. He still thinks he can have more money in his pocket. The slogan which Sata introduced for real, turned to be opposite. Eventually they started getting more money into their pockets through corruption, foreign debts and so on. What a shame

  2. Typical Sikaile Sikaile!Please leave political commentary to the big boys like Shishuwa Shishuwa.

    1. This country has always fought oppression in total unity.

    Surprise,surprise! Who formed UNIP? Which province sold their cattle to fund the ANC/UNIP delegation to Lancaster House talks in London?

    2. Again,in total unity, the Third Zambian Republic was abolished in 1991.
    You can even look backwards further only to discover that Northern Rhodesians led by Godwin Mbikusita were one force.

    3. Anderson Mazoka’s UPND had all his Mungwi secondary school friends from a number of provinces.This was a national party.Unfortunately we were robbed of Mazoka. Like what always happens,when the cat is away,the mice have a field day. UPND was slowly becoming something else.Remember the Sibajene philosophy?
    A purge to conform to this philosophy saw Sikota,John Mulwila,Siteke Mwale,Chisanga etc out of UPND.

    4. Enter Hakainde’s UPND,exit National Mazoka’s UPND. Sibajene philosophy subsequently taking root and tara!! Regional UPND born!

    This is why you spent 15 years in opposition and why, in retaliation, no party other than UPND was welcome in its stronghold province.

    5. Dr Kenneth Kaunda was all along watching this regionisation of UPND.

    This made the stronghold status of the party in the province to morph into a stranglehold of its people. They could only vote one way!
    Campaigning for votes became worthless for national parties.

    Dr Kaunda has predicted that the current President of Zambia would preside over the splitting of Zambia into fragments.

    If you know Zambians Sikaile Sikaile,they will again unite and fight and win this battle as one people.

    I’m sure you can see where Mr Thomas Sipalo is coming from. His observations are correct. Under the Hakainde UPND no any other party can have a wining vote in it’s stronghold province. So, why waste time and money campaigning there?

    Final comment: UKA is clearly a replay of the battle of 1991. Zambians from almost every province have enrolled,and counting!!
    Put aside your anger and frustration at the prospect of the short term loss of a future election. Everyone is fighting for a better Zambia and not a dictatorship.

    People in the UPND strongholds can listen to campaign messages as they did in the 60’s, 1991 and can elect anyone into any office if only someone freed them from the Sibajene philosophy.

    Fast forward, the 2021 vote rode on back of protest and the campaign promises. This is why UPND has seats outside its traditional strongholds.
    It’s unlikely a future fair election will re-elect HH.
    Excuse any topographical errors.


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