Civil Rights Activist Brebnar Changala says freedom is coming tomorrow.

Commenting on his release on baill after seven days in police custody, Changala expressed happiness saying he is back with his family.

Changala thanked his team of lawyers from Simeza Sangwa Associates for securing his bail.

The Lusaka High Court granted Changala bail on his own recognisance pending trial. The State had objected to the application made by his lawyers.

His Lawyers had agued that it was unconstitution to continue holding Changala in police custody.

Judge Geofrey Mulenga granted Changala bail. He stands charged for alleged inciting tribal war, hate speech and espionage. This follows his comments on the abduction of Petauke Independent member of Parliament Emmanuel Banda.

The four politicians arrested and charged on the same matter remain in custody.

On the picture in white, Changala with his lawyers outside Lusaka High Court.


  1. How do you divide your own beautiful family just because you hate your uncle’s tribe? Changala that is bad and ño Zambian will be able to smell your words closely. You are a danger to millions of Zambians.

  2. How does this man’s mind work? It’s either in dununa reverse or it’s upside down. Imagine when people were being tear gassed, being gassed and killed, being gunned down in cold blood, markets being burnt, people prohibited from campaigning, people detained at airports, people holding rallies in the bush, civil servants being beaten in offices, women being undressed, markets, bus stations full of caderism, and to him that is freedom he is talking about, he was happy for all these things. One wonders what type of an activist he is, when people are being killed, to him there is freedom and when killings are stopped, to him there is no freedom. What sense is there because me I can’t any. So what freedom is he talking about? Ati freedom is coming tomorrow, where is he going to find it and who needs that kind of freedom? All those are just hallucinations and delusions. Let him take his frustrations, bitterness and confusion somewhere else and not to us, we already got the freedom we wanted and we are responsibly enjoying it. It’s only people like him who are abusing it, they are doing what they are doing and are talking what they are taking about now because of the freedom HH has brought. Otherwise there is no other freedom we need and there is no other freedom Changala can bring to Zambians, let him just stay with his shame as he awaits his charges.

    • Changala gets paid from rubble raising. Do you think he would survive without being a loose canon? It’s sad that boys like Sean Tembo, Munir Zulu, Emmanuel Jay Banda are copying his hallucination blindly. Imagine he had a shop at town centre. Would he be finding time to do such useless rubbish??? It’s all laziness…all these characters making noise about HH are just effing LAZYYYY!!!!! WE HARD-WORKING PEOPLE ARE SEEING NOTHING WRONG IN THE PRESIDENT BECAUSE WE ARE BUSINESSMEN AND THINK AND DO SACRIFICE ALL THE TIME, SO WE UNDERSTAND. Sometimes we invest and wait long enough for results. Just like he did on removal of subsidies. We expected commodity prices to rise including fuel ⛽ not filya dull and inane and insane people are hallucinating ATI afilwa…it’s because you never sacrificed in your miserable lives…muzafa. That is why you are poor…kukonda kudya.


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