Kitwe- Saturday,8th June 2024

Heavily armed Police officers in Kitwe in armoured and anti-riot gear, have surrounded Changanamai Grounds, where the Opposition Socialist Party is scheduled to hold its mass rally.

Earlier, Police had denied the Party from holding the public rally citing “security concerns”.

But last night, in a dramatic turn of events, the Police wrote fresh communication to the Party authorising them to proceed with the public rally.

Officer in Charge of Kitwe Police Station granted the authority and advised the Party to strengthen its internal security to help the Police marshal the rally.

Both Socialist Party President Dr. Fred M’membe and Secretary General Dr. Cosmas Musumali, who have travelled for the public rally, confirmed the development and said they have now been informed that the rally will NO longer take place.

A check at Changanamai Grounds found the Police had cordoned and secured the area.

Lawyer, Simon Mulenga was found engaged in negotiations but the Police officers were adamant that the rally would not take place as they have been given fresh instructions from Lusaka to prevent and stop the rally.

Members of the Socialist Party and the public were seen trooping to the site of the long anticipated public rally.

Since August 2021, the Zambia Police have denied the Opposition to hold any public rally, procession or public meeting citing the security risks facing the country.

This has attracted attention with Human Rights Watch International decrying the shrinking democratic space and abuse of human rights that have emerged rapidly under President Hakainde Hichilema in Zambia.

Recently Inspector General of Police, Graphael Musamba claimed that his office CANNOT allow the Opposition to hold public meetings as they would face attacks from ruling UPND cadres.


  1. This is another one of Hakainde’s legacy. One that he excels in.

    Oppression of opposition.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. There should be time for everything under the Sun, time for political campaigns and some quiet time without political noise regardless the state of the economy!
    Don’t we have a Constitution which provides 90 days of political campaigns after dissolution of Parliament?
    Our current opposition is too careless and opportunistic. They are definitely not coming in peace. They are looking for another political opportunity to escape prosecution as the only way to hold on to their loot!
    They are ready to work with foreigners like ED to paint their own country black!
    How unpatriotic!
    If Zambia was to be at war with foreign forces (God forbid), our opposition would stand ready to fight their own brothers and sisters all because of their tribal politics!
    Zambia is a sovereign state that does not need permission from Zimbabwe to choose it’s friends!
    Why should Zimbabwe expect Zambia to adopt Zimbabwe’s enemies as it’s own?
    This is ridiculous thinking by ED!
    We are glad Russia did not entertain his stupid thinking!
    I still feel it’s the work of Zambia’s political enemies within!
    Too many Snakes we need to be on the lookout for!
    For the sake of peace, let the government of the day ban ALL political rallies!
    It’s not yet time for that!
    Let them wait for May 2026 when Parliament will be officially dissolved to pave way for the 90 Days of political campaigns leading up to 12 August 2026 General Elections!
    Now is time to THINK THROUGH our current challenges! Premature Political rallies don’t put food on the table!
    They just bring civil strife!
    After all, politicians are the same!
    Sad how we seem set to recycle Amalushi instead of looking for fresh minds!

  3. HH was campaigning anytime though with challenges. Freedom of association is not only for UPND. What’s their fear to allow opposition to mobilize?


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