Our New Foreign Policy at Regional Level is a Threat to our Traditional Neighbors & Brotherly States – Chris Zumani


Our New Foreign Policy at Regional Level is a Threat to our Traditional Neighbors & Brotherly States.

1. ‘The Americans are consolidating their forces in Zambia for security purposes, we need your support from this threat’, Mnangagwa tells Putin yesterday in Russia

2. The presence of these American forces as reported here in Zambia is surely a big threat to our neighbors especially those who don’t agree with the West.

3. Since Lusaka has gone to kiss Washington in terms of security by giving them a ‘military base’, Harare is now gone to kiss Moscow to invite them put up a military base too.

4. This is what the Zimbabwean president is telling the Russian leader now. And this is not good for both Zambia, Zimbabwe and other African countries.

5. State sovereignty is the most important trait of a country anywhere-these developments directly undermine this principle.

6. These two countries were at some point one imperial state called Rhodesia-with one common liberation flag. Now, l see ‘arms race” between them!

7. During colonialism, the US never supported Zambia, Zimbabwe and other colonized nations, Washington supported European powers to continue enslaving Africa.

8. Only Russia and Cuba supported our struggles for liberation and invested in Africa to see freedom. Therefore, Russia is the only all weather friend!

9. With the path Zimbabwe is taking now, there is urgent need for President HH to engage his brother in Zimbabwe and assure him of continued peaceful coexistence and brotherhood.

10. And most importantly, HH must denounce and close this ‘American military base’ if any in Zambia without delay.

11. There is no neighboring state that will feel safe if Zambia supports Americans to put up a military base.

12. Latin America has a bad experience with these American military bases around them-HH must put national interest and state sovereignty first.

Chris Zumani


  1. Always speaking nonsense, this rat doesn’t have anything to do.
    The idyot Christopher Zimba should know that we as Zambians need to mind our Business. Zimbabwe’s problems are not our business. In fact his so called Regional policy doesn’t even bring bread on our table so why waste our time and energy on it.
    We wasted our resources for Zimbabwe’s independence and they are repaying us with this nuisance from Munangagwa. They have mad, brutal, dictators for their leaders so why should we waste time on them as if we don’t have problems of our own!
    Let Munangagwa eat his shit and share some it with Edgar Lungu and leave Zambians out of it.

  2. Zambia is a sovereign state!
    Zambia does not need permission from any country to choose it’s friends!
    Why does ED want his enemies to be our enemies?
    This could be the work of Snakes that have always wanted to sneak into Zimbabwe!
    The other one had to be deported and evacuated not long ago, much to the disappointment of the big Snake!
    It could be another scheme by unpatriotic patriots to dent the image of Zambia, a very unpatriotic approach to wanting power back, all because they don’t want to go to jail for their many cases.
    No weapon fashioned against Zambia will prosper!

  3. Tongas were used by the colonists to spy on freedom fighters from nothern/southern provinces, today a Tonga is being used by Americans to spy on SADC members. Tongas have no loyalty to fellow Africans and that’s a FACT.


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