John Sangwa speaks out on trending video


John Sangwa speaks out on trending video

JOHN Sangwa State Counsel says Zambians should brace themselves for more propaganda as has been the case with a video that has gone viral, seemingly attacking former President Edger Lungu yet the interview was done soon after the election in 2021.

Mr Sangwa SC said the two minutes, 52 second video clip was part of a two- and half-hour long interview that took place soon after the election in 2021, and was broadcast in two segments.

“Many such clips will emerge, but context is always important. That portion of the interview was in response to a question I was asked as to why, according to the interviewer, I appear not to fear those in authority


  1. It still doesnot alter the substance of the story. It is about Mr. Lungu’s character. The clip will remain true even ten, twenty years from now. He used to drink excessively as a lawyer, minister, president and now as former president.

    Mr. Sangwa should not be apologetic about the video. What he said is true and that is what matters. He is the worst president we have ever had and will remain so for a long time to come. It is difficult to outdo his dismal performance. He was a disaster for our country.


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