THE effects of load shedding and issues in the Telecommunication sector are having a devastating impact on the economy and the people of Zambia. The prolonged hours of load shedding are crippling businesses and livelihoods, while network and mobile money transaction issues are exacerbating the problem.

As United Liberal Party, we challenge the New Dawn Government to take urgent measures to address these issues, especially on Load shedding we urge the government under President Hakainde Hichilema to stop exporting Electricity to foreign Countries because Zambian Business are dying We believe that a government that cares for its people must ensure that the economy is protected and citizens’ livelihoods are secured.

We urge the government to allow us in the opposition to hold public rallies, where we can share our plans and ideologies. This can only benefit the country and the economy.

Let us work together to address the high cost of living, high cost of doing business, unemployment among youths, high fuel prices, and foreign exchange rates. A stable political atmosphere is essential for a positive economy, benefiting both the ruling party and the opposition, as well as citizens.

As ULP we firmly believe that our motto, “Zambia For All” is in line with the New Dawn Government slogan of “Leaving No One Behind”. For this reason, we need to encourage all the leaders in all 10 Provinces of this Republic to get back to the grassroots and begin to send a message of good hope to our people.

Issued by,

Vice President
United Liberal Party (ULP)


  1. Spoon feeding is one of the problems with our educational system.
    When we all know the problem and “harp on” without putting critcal thought to that facts.
    1. Zesco sells us (consumer power at a loss). ERB has stated, Zesco has petitioned on that. It has been going on for years.
    2. How do maintain or build generational capacity of Zesco when you are selling at loss. This maintence issue is what also plagues Escom in SA. Chewing without saving.
    3. You have borrowed to build and misapplied the loans to fund political party activities and their zealots. We have seen how the current admin completed a project that started in MMD with borrowed money that even the contractor stopped working due to non payment.
    How do you think that contractor is being paid or that debt that needs to paid is being repaid, with your low tariffs?
    As a country, we have a bad culture of entitlement. We feel government owes us a living as such productivity and working is a crime.
    The Opposition in order to get into elective office dont encourage us to work or think about solutions but just repeat what we already know. The problem. They dont even help us appreciate the bigger picture of the problem just their perception of the problem and we equally do little to research on the issues of the problem, and like sheep led tp slaughter buy into SP and UKWA narratives that have very little substance.

    • We sell outside the country because of the higher tariff we can charge. This helps us to pay back what Zesco borrowed. To expand and meet generational demand which growing with the expanding population and economic demand for power.


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