Nkana MP Hon. Binwell Mpundu to resign on condition

Binwell Mpundu

Nkana MP to resign on condition

Lusaka, – July 5, 2024

Nkana Member of Parliament, Hon. Binwell Mpundu, has extended a bold proposal to the United Party for National Development (UPND). Known for his unwavering stance and vocal presence, Hon. Mpundu has publicly announced his willingness to resign his parliamentary seat under specific conditions, potentially triggering a by-election.

In a direct statement posted on his Facebook page, Hon. Mpundu addressed UPND, offering a unique deal centered around Hon. Jay Jay Banda.

“I have a proposal for you, UPND, since you seem to have a lot of appetite for more seats in Parliament. Please drop the nonsense on Jay Jay and I will convince him so that the two of us can resign, and you can have by-elections in Nkana and Petauke on top of those nine seats you want to have by-elections in,” stated Hon. Mpundu.

Hon. Mpundu’s offer would not only add Nkana and Petauke to the by-election roster but would also escalate the political stakes significantly.

“In fact, I will also resign if you proceed to have those nine by-elections so that we can give you ten seats if you refuse to take my proposed deal on Hon. Jay Jay,” Hon. Mpundu added.

For now, all eyes remain on UPND’s leadership as they deliberate on Hon. Mpundu’s striking proposition, with the potential for significant shifts in parliamentary representation hanging in the balance.

14 thoughts on “Nkana MP Hon. Binwell Mpundu to resign on condition

  1. We have too many jokers running our affairs in the country. It is a pity that all hear is mediocre taunting about things that will not add value to our well being as a nation. Can these political leaders sober up and observe the rule of law and understand that they all are servants of the people who they are supposed to very serving instead of their petty appetites for personal satisfaction.

  2. Boma does not negotiate with kiliminoz.

    JJ is going to prison and will lose his seat in parliament. There is nothing of value to negotiate here.

  3. Just resign, now,now Nkana constituency won’t definitely miss you at all or indeed anybody. You will not be the first to resign. Bwangu, tender your resign if you are an enough.

  4. Very childish & immature. Appalling to think we are supposed to expect this lot for devt in the 21st century….just resign Sir.

  5. What arrogance. Is it UPND that triggered you to be expelled?
    Stop holding people at ransome. If you have an issue with your removal. Use due process, the same due process that you and PF abused and disregarded.
    The rule of law must work and it has nothing to do with UPND. You are just a Joker insulting the electorate…..

  6. This is childish and nonsensical. The government is larger than you. There were dangerous schemes planted by this UKA team until all the avenues are investigated. We all know the plan the PF had to go Kenyan way. Zambians are Zambians and can not be fall into unknown dull plans.
    If you are a man of your principles please just drop your seat and somebody sensible will pick it up and add value to many challenges we are facing.

    1. This chap overates himself too much. From a mere PF cadre DC he thinks he’s a legislative heavy weight.Why should he even bring such a ludicrous and nonsensical proposition. Infact we should take judicial notice of this statement and hold him to account.

  7. Dear Binwell Mpundu, things done in a hurry are not always good.Please think twice before you Make a mistake.Fight for your people, yourself and JJ within the Parliament not outside.You will be forgotten when you are out side.Stop your work at the right time don’t force yourself
    Those are part of PF mistakes doing things in a rush.Zambia has not run short of MPs the moment you resign you will wonder the number of honourables who will apply.Your justification is not holding water.Sampa and his colligues are the ones who caused the expulsion of 9 MPs and people are not smiling over it.They are just wondering the level of thinking in PF.Government can not make such a mistake of killing or reducing numbers of opposition in parliament.There is no need for that honestly.JJ is innocent until proven guilty by the competent judge of the high court.Just pray for him every day.Someone complained about him and he wants justice.Justice delayed is Justice denied.The MPs expelled will explain clearly in court why Sampa can’t expell them.The constitution of Zambia is clear as to when a member of parliament can be removed from parliament and there are no Lacunas on that part.When the matter went to the constitutional court for the petition the court said they didn’t have jurisdictions and grounds of petition was not presented.Let them take the matter to the rightful court with proper grounds outlined.You Mpundu you are an outsider of PF so don’t shout the loudest you may amaze the masses.Dont dance to allien’s music you may not dance well.

    1. Infact there will be more intelligent and powerful men to takeover from this childish social media guy who thinks Parliament belongs to ECL. Clearly he has PF leadership qualities, who always rush to speak without proper thinking, simply to let his foolishness be head by intelligent people. This is not the type of leadership Zambians want. Very soon you will be forgotten, no musamwe ukamupwa

  8. Silly fellow. The expulsions have nothing to do with UPND. Binwell is a little too enthusiastic about JJ. Is he the mastermind behind that poor a duction thing??

  9. This is an expression of weak leadership. When storns come it is time to dig in ones heals and overcome. It is not time to use emortions and abandon those who placed their faith in your leadership ability.

    What exactly will you achieve by this weak emotional position. Or maybe you think this action will scare the current ruling party and others from contesting for your position. It wont at all. It will be welcomed.

    Please stop this childishnes and man up. This calls for boldness and courage to take on the problems and resolve to conquer.

    What is going on with these guys.

  10. Nobody needs those foolish and childish conditions, just resign and go! You don’t add any value to our parliament. Instead of making laws, you have turned the house into a quarreling chamber!
    Nobody will miss you when you are gone – please go now. Idyot.

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