PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema should immediately address the nation on what is happening to Emmanuel Jay Banda, the Petauke Central legislator who has named two of his aides and a UPND operative as having been part of the gang that abducted the now incarcerated and ailing law maker, the United Kwacha Alliance has said.

The UKA has also challenged President Hichilema to distance himself from secret meetings his senior government officials, including Sylvia Masebo, Jack Mwiimbu, the Home Affairs and Internal Security Minister, his Permanent Secretary Dickson Matembo and Thabo Kawana, the Information and Media Permanent Secretary who have been exposed in an audio attempting to coerce Jay Jay Banda to recant his statement in which he has named his abductors.

In a strong statement in which UKA has raised 28 questions for President Hichilema, Ms Masebo, Mr Kawana, Mr Matembo and the police, Chishala Kateka, the alliance vice chairperson called for the immediate release of Jay Jay Banda because his detention had nothing about transgressing the law but political.


  1. The President has better things to do for the nation than to spend time on a criminal. Remember pf rejected his candidature because of his criminal behaviour.
    Grow up and provide credible checks. ati uka ukalila.

    • Prove Musonda. These empty unfound assertions will land in problems. HH may not sue you. What proof do you have?

  2. Can the police please expedite their investigations into Mr. Banda’s “abduction” so that we focus on more worthy issues.

    This matter is receiving more media attention than is healthy for the nation. It is time it was put to rest.

  3. All instructions on Jay Jay Banda are coming from Hichilema. How do you explain a fact that in his address to the nation Hichilema said “Jay Jay Banda must be tried for robbery and attempted murder . . . “! And 3 days he’s arrested and charged in the high court in Chipata. Good thing is that whoever is involved in this Jay Jay saga will be arrested and tried fairly after Upnd is out of power.

  4. The saddest part of current UPND employed based at State house specifically for social media monitoring and responding to postings are generally the most dumbest and dullest people to be hired.
    They either cementing or suffering from Amnesia. They are clueless about anything because they lack the ability, knowledge, intellect and experience to critically evaluate or understand what is being said or posted.
    If you hire your friends , family this is what happens they can not accept the fact that it was the president openly during press conference he instructed the police to arrest Jay Jay Banda.
    Who on earth would you defend he has more important things to do when he has more energy and hatred like an active volcano to destroy anything on his way. The problem is also that the president to his hardcore supporters has become their small god he can not do wrong or people who say anything they are enemies and they can be arrested and charged for hate crime or whatever ever charges they can find to shut up the masses. Because power has made the to suffer from Amnesia, they are in power self destruction. I don’t know how you guys will go to Luapula to ask for votes from the people who have Poverty of the mind. I don’t know how you go and ask for votes from Northern when chiefs were insulted for merely being welcoming of the president. Labelling them you look so sad because we have not given you brown envelopes like the previous administration. Insulting a chief is insulting the entire community or chiefdom this extends to muchinga as they are Bemba speaking
    Today Jay Jay Banda is being tortured in Eastern province due to HH infamous instructions to arrest him do you expect votes easily as you got them in 2021? No government officials in previous governments insulted or constant at the throats of the Church , I just wonder what is going on in the mind of HH, to fight the catholic is like going to get honey from honey hive with bear hands. Catholic is in places which UPND cannot even reach and the influence is gigantic. From the catholic faith UPND count out votes and they will not embrace you when you go to Catholic Church during campaigns. The damage has been done. Copperbelt you have no chance , lusaka no chance even you have captured all the institutions. ECZ. , police ZaF , Zambia army intelligence they will not stop the will of the people change in the way you are managing the affairs of the people will make HH win the elections failure to change one term.

    • Please just live in your past glory and watch Zambia move forward. Your rule or mis rule only serve a purpose of not what to do! The things you talk about are premature. Development is a process and continue watching. No, continue talking because it is your democratic right and that is all you are able to do now. The president is focused at reviving Zambia’s fortunes.


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